Geology: A study of the earth's physical structure (land) and the forces that act upon it (erosion and such) and it's history.
Genesis 1:10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
Begin memorizing the Eureka Scripture (found on the Eureka calendar page).
Begin memorizing the Eureka Scripture (found on the Eureka calendar page).
Watch Video on Elements, understanding that everything on earth is made up of elements.
(I painstakingly watched a lot of videos on the subject, and chose the most entertaining. You're welcome.) Take three of the most common minerals, write down their uses, and Google which elements they are made up of.
Watch: Video on Erosion
As you watch the video, pay attention to the three main forces that affect the landscape. Go outside and see if you can see this at work. Look at mountains, side of the road, your yard. It's everywhere really. Write it down so you can share with us.
Watch: How Glaciers are Formed
Read: How Glaciers Affect Land
Make a few drawings as you read and then go outside and look at the mountains around you. Do any of the shapes on the mountains look like what you read and drew? Did you see any fjords, moraines, glacial erratic's, cirques, horns, etc.?
Read: The Glacier on Mt. Timpanogos Jon and I hiked on the glacier when it had the crevasses. Scary stuff, and OH SO COOL!!!
Go to: Rock Cycle
Across the top are different headings. Go to each page. I don't love that there is a virtual rock collection, instead of a real one. But, the time of year that it is doesn't allow much rock hounding.
There is so much information on these pages; all I want you to know about rocks! Take notes. Make sure you understand it through and through!
Define "rock" and "mineral." How are they different?
Take one part of geology that you have learned about and show us how it relates to the principle, "The Buck Stops Here." You can make a poster, write a poem, write a story, or any other CREATIVE method of demonstrating your learning. Be prepared to show us in class. There are a zillion things you could do, but here is an example: (Don't do the one I came up with. It is just an example. Create your own!)
Make a poster:
Print a few pictures of regular old rocks.
Print pictures of rocks after they have been metamorphosed (undergone extreme heat and pressure).
Compare the heat and pressure to trials in our lives. I might show on my poster how, when we take responsibility, the rocks changed, and compare to the change that takes place in our character. I might even use personal examples of how the heat and pressure, or trials, in my life have shaped me. I could take it further and demonstrate my knowledge of glaciers and how they affect the landscape. I might take pictures of mountain ranges around me, print them out, label what each type of glacial form is called. I might compare this to people in my life and how important they have been in shaping who I am.
Bottom line: We want quality! Just scribbling a few things on a piece of paper isn't what we are going for. I want you to show me that you understand.
Print a few pictures of regular old rocks.
Print pictures of rocks after they have been metamorphosed (undergone extreme heat and pressure).
Compare the heat and pressure to trials in our lives. I might show on my poster how, when we take responsibility, the rocks changed, and compare to the change that takes place in our character. I might even use personal examples of how the heat and pressure, or trials, in my life have shaped me. I could take it further and demonstrate my knowledge of glaciers and how they affect the landscape. I might take pictures of mountain ranges around me, print them out, label what each type of glacial form is called. I might compare this to people in my life and how important they have been in shaping who I am.
Bottom line: We want quality! Just scribbling a few things on a piece of paper isn't what we are going for. I want you to show me that you understand.
Hopefully you have thought a lot about the forces that have shaped the world in which you live.... everything right around you! So much has happened over however long the earth has been in existence. The question is, what are you going to do now? This is your time. Your life. The buck truly stops here! Journal your thoughts regarding what you are to do with this gift.
Hopefully you have thought a lot about the forces that have shaped the world in which you live.... everything right around you! So much has happened over however long the earth has been in existence. The question is, what are you going to do now? This is your time. Your life. The buck truly stops here! Journal your thoughts regarding what you are to do with this gift.