Friday, October 9, 2020

October Eureka Journeyman

October Eureka Journeyman

How to Survive!


I. Read this document about food survival.  Read the beginning thoroughly, then skim the part where he goes over all the different ideas.  Skimming is also a good skill.  You just get a general idea of what is possible.


I. Forage for some type of "food" from outside.  Living Off the Land type of food.  You can use ideas from the document, or find your own. Bring it raw, or prepare it cooked in some way.  Bring enough for everyone in class to try some.


Using food from your pantry, NOT your foraged food, as good as it may be, haha, make a donation to Tabitha's Way.  They are a food pantry and in constant need of food this time of year. Especially with our current economic circumstances.  You can take the food to them directly, or bring your items to class, and I will drop them off.  There is not a required amount....any amount will help!

Their biggest needs right now are:

Cans of Yams

Canned Soup


Boxed Cereal

Peanut Butter

Honey/Jam (not homemade)

Tomato Products


Baking Items



Toilet Paper

October Eureka Apprentice

 October Eureka Apprentice

Remember, your items for the Vanguard store are due today.  Please bring the item, or write your service on a piece of paper!

Please Bring to Class: Your Rubix Cube and your Glory of the Stars Book!


I.  Pull out your 3X3 Rubix cube

Go to this video, cube in hand, and learn to solve the 2nd layer of the cube.  Watch and practice until minute 5:44. Practice until you understand. You can rewatch the video as many times as needed until you get it down. If you are still struggling with the white face, practice that as well.  If you have the whole thing down, good for you!  Come to class ready to mentor someone else with the cube.  Bring your 3X3 cube to class!  We will practice in class and have a few challenges.

II. CHOOSE 1 of the following: 

    Option A:  In Mathematicians are People, Too, Volume 2 (the blue one) read about Euclid (pages 1-8).  Write a few facts about him in your CPB.  

    Option B:  Look up Eratosthenes, and write a few interesting  facts about him in your CPB.

The more facts you bring about the mathemetician you study, the more you'll be able to help your team in class.

III. Read chapters 3 and 4 (pages 51-66) in The Glory of the Stars.  Fill in the constellation packet that you printed out last month... Scorpio, Sagittarius, and their supporting constellations.
Glory of the Stars: A Study of the Zodiac
Add caption
Find the 8 constellations you read about on pages 24-25 of the book, or any other star chart. Here is a good one online.


I. Choose 1 of the Following: 

Option 1.  Solve this Krypto (Rules below)

 Here are 5 numbers:

                                                    3, 5, 2, 8, 9

Your Target number is....48

Rules: Using each of the 5 numbers ONLY ONCE, you may use any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to manipulate the 5 numbers in any order to reach the target number.

Example: if you had the 5 numbers: "8,4,1,6,3", you could reach the target number of 11 by doing: 3 x 4 + 1 - (8 - 6) 

There is always a way, usually more than 1, to reach the target number.

Use your commonplace book to record your trial and error. Record your equation and bring it to class!

Option 2. 

The Broken Eggs
Along time ago, a farmer from the village is bringing her eggs to market in her
small wooden cart. Out of nowhere a horse-drawn carriage flies down the dirt road
and grazes the farmer, knocking over the cart and spilling the eggs across the road.
Though she herself isn’t hurt, every single egg is shattered across the dirt road.
The driver of the carriage halts suddenly and out of the carriage steps Prince Adam
of Northumbria. He helps the young farmer girl to her feet apologizing profusely
for the accident and offers to pay her double for every egg that was broken.
There was only one problem, all the eggs were in pieces all over the road and the
girl could not remember exactly how many there were. However, she does
remember some things from the various ways she tried to pack the eggs into her
She knows that when she put the eggs into groups of two, there was one egg left
over that didn’t fit into the container. When she put the eggs into groups of three,
there was also one egg left over. The same thing occurred when she attempted to
put them into containers in groups of four, five and six – they all had one left over.
However, when she put them in groups of seven, she ended up with complete groups
of seven with no leftover eggs.

1. What can the farmer girl figure out from what she remembers? In other
words, how many eggs did she start with?

2. Is there more than one possibility?

II.  We have 2 full moons in October! Read this short article that talks about it.  And for *optional* interesting reading about blue moons, you can check out this article.

III.  Check out this google doc.Important People in Ancient History Report  Make sure you are signed up for 1 presentation sometime this year.  I've added those of you who signed up on vision day, but I think some of you missed it.

IV.  If you signed up to give a report this week (either from Glory of the Stars, or Ancient History), please come prepared to present a 5 (or so) minute presentation on your chapter.  Get together with your partner and talk about how you'd like to present together.  You can split it up, or work together however you want.

Ancient History report:

Math of ancient Egypt


Astronomy of Ancient Egypt


Astronomy Report

October Eureka

Chapter 3 (pages 50-57)







Chapter 4 (pages 58-66)








Read Isaiah 40:26...  It's beautifully written, much like a psalm.  Isaiah was also a master poet.

Now continue writing your Psalm. Add 2 more lines of your own psalm about:

1. The Heavens (Astronomy) or
2. Your quest to gain knowledge and why.

Write your addition into THIS Google Doc.  You can sign your name to it or keep it anonymous....either way is fine.  I'm looking forward to seeing all your psalms!