Monday, August 4, 2014

Journeyman September

Seek Wisdom: Search for Understanding and Discernment

Pre-Darwinian Ideas
Case Studies There are several links on this page to examples of how various animals evolved..  Look at a couple that most interest you.

The New Era:  My Answer to Evolution
Origin of Man: Written by the First Presidency in 1909

Watch the following two videos that present two opposing views.  Take notes on the points that each side makes.
Bill Nye: Creation Does Kids a Disservice: Click here
Ken Ham refutes Bill Nye:  Watch here

Watch the following two videos.  One will give evidence that the biblical flood of Noah is impossible.  The other shows evidence that it absolutely occurred.  Take notes on the evidence that each side gives.

Noah's Ark?.... Absolutely!  (Is a four video series. Just watch the first, unless you have time for more.)
Noah's Ark?.... Absolutely!  Article about animals.

Create a comic strip, sci-fi story, essay, or any other medium you choose, showing what you have learned about the big bang theory, evolution, natural selection, etc.  Enjoy creating.

And finally, just for fun,  IF you need something highly entertaining, try this:
You can upload a pic of yourself and "devolve" to see what you would have looked like as a Neanderthal.  Awesome.

 The scriptures tell us that God is so much greater than us, how can we possibly understand what he does? How can he begin to explain the complex, when we aren't able to understand what is simple to him.  How do you reconcile the fact that there are so many things we don't and won't understand while on this earth. Does it bother you?  Do you enjoy searching for answers?

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