Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Master October

The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Psalm 19:1

People!  Peer pressure.  Hmm... no.  I don't want to stoop to that level.  How can I possibly convince you to come to Masters?  I think this might be fascinating for you all.  I am fascinated:)  Here is my intro:

Celestial bodies, of course, can affect life on our planet. The moon influences ocean tides as well as the habits of many marine animals. But does the location of specific planets and stars at the time of a person’s birth make a difference in that person’s life?

Well, that is what Astrology is all about; the belief that stars and planets dictate what happens here on earth.   You all know about this stuff , right?  Horoscopes and such. I have a friend who, when I first met her, asked me my sign and then began to explain why I am the way I am.... It's all because I am an Aquarius!  Finally, it makes sense... bwa haaa haaa...

People who follow the Zodiac, look to the stars to explain relationships, behavior, and probably just about everything else. There are  people who consider relationships with people that are of the "sign" in which they are compatible with.  When researching for Eureka I read about a daycare that only accepts kids that are a certain "sign".  That made me laugh.

The Gospel does not support Astrology in any way, shape or form.  We will not be studying Astrology :) 

But, here is something amazing: There are some who believe that the stars, when placed in the sky by God, did so as a way to testify of our Savior Jesus Christ.  No one knows the origin of the Zodiac, but some believe it existed since the beginning, with Adam and Eve.  Satan, over time, deceived people, and the truth was watered down until finally it was replaced by Astrology.

This is not doctrine, so we will not base our testimonies on it, but certainly interesting to consider:  Did our Heavenly Father place the stars in the sky in such a way that it testifies of our Savior?  Are the stars "signs" of God's plan for us? 

The book, "Gospel in the Stars" is a book about the stars being "signs" of Jesus Christ.  It is thought provoking.  Not a quick read, in any way.  It takes some thought, some research if you want to understand it through and through, and lots of pondering. 

For our purposes, we will not be reading the whole book as I don't want to kill anyone off.  Instead, read chapters (lectures) 1 and 2.   Then read the corresponding chapter to your Zodiac sign.  Be prepared to share what you learned about your sign.  Find the constellations on a star chart.  Know what they look like, and when they are visible.  ( A quick google search will do the trick for this part.)  I hope you enjoy!

Oh, and in case you don't know your sign, here is a little chart for you:

Lecture IV: Libra
Lecture V: Scorpio
Lecture VI: Sagittarius
Lecture VII: Capricornus
Lecture VIII: Aquarius
Lecture IX: Pisces
Lecture X: Aries
Lecture XI: Taurus
Lecture XII: Gemini
Lecture XIII: Cancer
Lecture XIV: Leo
Lecture XV: Virgo

Know and Understand:
You did a bunch of "Know and Understand" from the stuff above, so I am not putting anything here :)

Journal about what you learned from "Gospel in the Stars."  Share your feelings about how the heavens testify of God.