Thursday, March 5, 2020

March Eureka Apprentice and Journeyman

March Eureka


Let's Do Some Thinking 'Round Here


Watch this Video on the Brain. (6 min) You will hear some statements about evolution.  It's hard to avoid that when studying the body, because it's such wide held belief.  Especially when studying the brain.  We know better.  God created our brains this way in the beginning, and on purpose!!

This video is incredible with the images of neurons literally growing together or apart instantly.  WOW!!!

Write down your biggest "WOW" about this video and bring it to share.

Go to the Bio Ninja Website, and look at the 2 diagrams of the brain on this webpage.  Memorize each of the sections of the brain, in BOTH Diagrams (External Structures and Internal Structures).

 I will give you these diagrams in class.  They will be blank and you will fill them in.  Think of it like memorizing geography....only, it's your brain this time. :)

In the book A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe, read or skim chapter 6.  Write down 3 interesting discoveries from the chapter.  You'll share your favorite in class.  NOT a quote out of the book, but an actual interesting THING about the NUMBER 6.  What makes it so darn cool??!!

Choose one of these projects from the chapter (or any project in the chapter, but not listed here), and bring it class to share:

Construct a geometrically correct hexagon using either method - page 183
Construct an Escher-type design - page 185
Construct a hexagon with strips of paper - 186
Make a snowflake with a hexagonal structure - see page 194 for pictures of actual snowflakes.  Be creative!
Construct a Dodekagon using either method - page 197-198
Square the Circle - page 212-213


I. Go to Back the Bio Ninja Website, on the left side of the page you'll see blue boxes that contain "Core Content" and "Extra Content."  Choose a section from one of those, and learn about it.  Come prepared to report on it.!!  2-3 minutes. The information on this site is basic and minimal, but interesting.  If you'd like to study your topic beyond this site, feel free.

II Watch Inventions that Shook The World, Episode 10, the 1990s. Write 5 new inventions on your timeline.  Choose any invention from the 90s and guessed it.....a mind-blowing 30-second news presentation on it.  As usual, we'll vote!

III. Watch this...(3 min) another great invention of the 90s!! Enjoy. :)


Number 12!!  As double 6, the Dodekad (#12) extends and refines the Hexad's (#6)... 

comprising whole events.

One wonder of 12 is that it has so many divisors (1,2,3,4,6,12), making it the supreme number in geometry.  Its properties have made it the number of symbolic measurement and sacred structure for ages.

When exploring which numbers in the Bible carry symbolic significance, number 12 stands out as one of the most prominent in Scripture. Among numbers such as 3 and 40, the number 12 appears numerous times throughout the Old and New Testament.

What Does the Number 12 Mean in the Bible?

Number 12  typically means perfection or authority—often used in a context of government. For instance, because Jacob has 12 sons, they form the 12 tribes of Israel. There are also 12 minor prophets that dot the text of the Old Testament.

Found 187 times in the Bible, the number 12 makes a special appearance in Revelation, showing the authority and perfection of God’s kingdom at last.
Go to this Google Doc and Add 2-3 instances where you see or hear about #12 in the Scriptures, or in society.  


I. In The Healing Code read Chapters 10 and 11.  Pages 217-270

You actually get to read what the Healing code is now!  Does it surprise you?  Does it seem too easy?  Does it make sense?  Think about these questions for our discussion.

For one of your prayers this week, actually try using the healing code for a struggle you've been having.  It may feel different then what you're used to, but remember, it's just a powerful prayer.

II. Choose ANY part of the brain, including the eye and ear,  and draw it or sculpt it out of any materials.  You can even print out a diagram, but  you'd have to TRACE it, and make it YOURS.  This is a Waldorf education method.  Here is a link to some ideas, so you know what I mean.  These are only ideas.  Come up with your own!  Bring it to class to share.  This should be detailed and take some time.