Friday, November 15, 2019

January Eureka: Apprentice, Journeyman, and Masters


The Warrior Systems


I. Take notes in your CBP on this video as you watch it.

Lymphatic and Immune System

We will have a quiz in class about the immune system, and all the systems we've studied to this point.

II. Review your notes from Chapters 3 and 4.  If you did not bring your tetrahedron to last class, please bring it. You may still have it, we just didn't get to talk much about it. Bring it again.  If you don't still have it, make a new one and bring it.  It only takes a few minutes.  You'll need a blank sheet of paper, your compass, pencil, scissors, and tape or glue.  The instructions are in the Constructing the Universe book, and start at the bottom of page 61, and move onto page 62.  We will be sharing our favorite things about # 4 in class.

III. Watch Episode 8 (the 1970s) of  Inventions that shook the World. Write 3 interesting inventions on your timeline.


I. Build a bridge. In the Guide to Constructing the Universe, we learn that a triangle is the strongest shape.  It's used in construction all over the place.  Now you get to put this amazing shape to use as you build a bridge! We will test the strength of each bridge in class.  The strongest bridge wins.

The object of this competition is to design, construct and test the most structurally efficient model truss bridge bbbbrr. The bridges will be loaded initially with a  bucket and testing apparatus. Dry sand will be added after the initial loading, until the bridge collapses.  For this, you will need a ½ inch hole in the middle of your bridge for a rod.  If you don’t want a hole in the middle, you need a flat surface on top to stack weights. Either way is fine.


• Minimum length 18 inches; maximum length of 24 inches.
• Bridges are to be made of any combination of popsicle sticks, toothpicks, matches, and any type of yarn or string.  Any glue to hold them together is fine. Hot glue works well. However, you may not coat the bridge with anything including glue, paint, stain, etc.
• The bridge must not weigh more than 8 ounces.
• The bridge “road” must extend the entire length of the bridge and maintain a "vehicular roadway"
with a minimum side and top clearance of 2 inches.  (2 inches wide x 2 inches high). 


What Does the Number 3 Mean in the Bible?

 Many numbers in the Hebrew language tend to have a deeper meaning.
Three, shelosh[f.], sheloshah [m.] means harmony, new life, and completeness.
The number three appears in the Bible 467 times, fewer than the number seven, but more than most of the other symbolically important numbers.
Sometimes three is used as an emphatic Semitic triplet to describe the intensity of something. It’s not just holy. It’s holy, holy, holy. 
We do have to keep in mind, three isn’t always necessarily something good. In Revelation, we see an evil trinity: Satan, the Antichrist, and the False prophet (Revelations 12-13).
However, typically, three means something complete and good. Satan does often like to take something good from God and corrupt it, much like the number three and the concept of the Trinity.
God has ordered the world to follow mathematical and numerical patterns. We can see his design in how numbers operate even in nature, knowing that everything on earth points back to the fact that God exists, so we have no excuse not to praise him.
We should remember to keep an eye out for any instance we see something thrice in Scripture. It’s either emphatically pointing to the essence of something, or showing the completeness of something.
Sooooooo, where or how do you see 3 represented in our scriptures?  Add 3 instances showing the symbolic nature of 3 to this google Doc.



I. In The Healing Code read chapters 5, 6 and 7, pages 119-168


II. Write down a "popsicle" memory that you would be willing to share in class.  You can read about popsicle memories on pages 123-124 of The Healing code.

III. In your CPB, write down 5 diseases.  Look up each one and write down what pathogen causes that disease: bacteria, virus, mold, parasite, yeast, something else?

We will do a couple interesting labs in class about the immune will possibly include growing some fascinating bacteria.

Look up either "belief" or "unbelief" in the scriptures, using the topical guide or internet search tool.  Find a scripture that tells what happens if you believe, or cast off unbelief.  Add your scripture and your findings to this google doc.


I. Read the rest of Case for a Creator. Chapters 5-11.

II. Choose 1 of these Chapters to study in depth, and come ready to teach us about the evidence in that field. (5 min, or whatever you need)

Ch 5, The Evidence of Cosmology:
Ch 6, The Evidence of Physics: Elena
Ch 7, The Evidence of Astronomy: Chris
Ch 8, The Evidence of Biochemistry: Paige
Ch 9, The Evidence of Bio. Information:
Ch 10, The Evidence of Consciousness: Sarah

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

November Eureka - Apprentice, Journeyman, and Masters


Going Around in Circles!


I.  Take notes (for the quiz) in your CBP on each of these videos as you watch them.

What is blood (2 min)

Bill Nye on Circulation (23 min)

Bill Nye on Respiration (27 min)

II. In the book A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe, read or skim chapters 3 and 4. Or Study for 1 hour, whichever comes first.  Write down 3 interesting discoveries per chapter.  Construct a Triangle ( page 43-45) and construct a Tetrahedron (page 61-62).  Bring them to class to show.


I.  Choose 1

1. Diagram the flow of blood through the body, labeling each part involved. This link could help, but draw the diagram yourself. Bring your diagram to share. 

2. Diagram the pathway of air through your body, labeling each part involved. This link could help, but draw the diagram yourself. Bring your diagram to share.

3.  Write a song on circulation or respiration.

4. Research Sherpas and answer these questions:
Where do Sherpas live?
What mountain do they help people climb?
How much less is the concentration of oxygen molecules at the top of Mount Everest?  Is this a problem?
How do Sherpas deal with lower levels of oxygen?

5. Study Rene Theophile-Hyacinthe Laennec.  Answer these questions:
What did Rene invent?
Why did he invent it?
What did his mother die from?  Has a cure been found?
How did he get the idea for his invention?  How did he name it?
Share your findings in class.

II. Reminder: Bring your discoveries and drawings from A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe. (#2 of "Study/Learn")

III.  Watch Episode 7 of Inventions that Shook the World (1960s).From the video or using other sources, find 3 important scientists or scientific advancements from the 1960s, and write them down on your Timeline.  Choose your favorite and prepare a mind-blowing 30-second news presentation on it.

IV. Bring your compass AND straightedge, BOTH!!!! We will use them in class.  Differently than last time.  PLEASE Remember them. :)


Read Mosiah 27:16 and Mosiah 29:20.  Write down the answers to these questions in your CPB

~Who was being spoken to, and by whom?
~What did the speaker want "him" to remember?
~Why did the Lord deliver his people out of bondage?  What did they have to do?
~Have you ever considered yourself to be in bondage in some way?  Bondage can be any type of emotional or physical pain.  Is the Lord able to deliver you?


I.  In The Healing Code read Chapters 2, 3, and 4. (Pages 61-117).  Highlight interesting parts you read.  Write down any questions that come to your mind as you read.

II. Choose ANY part of the Circulatory or Respiratory system, and draw it or sculpt it out of ANY materials.  This is a Waldorf education method.  Here is a link of some ideas, so you know what I mean.  These are only ideas.  Come up with your own!  Bring it to class to share.  This should be detailed and take some time.

We will be inspecting the heart/lung system of a pig. As always, it will be fascinating!


I. In 40 questions about Creation and Evolution, choose 1 question in Part 2 to read.  Prepare a presentation for the class on that question.

Text me your choice:
Question 5:

II. Watch this documentary on the Icons of Evolution.  Jot down the Icons brought up.  You can speed it up a little. :)

III. Read Chapters 1-4 of Case for a Creator.  Be prepared to discuss the book.  Do you agree with the evidence he presents? Why or why not?

I lost my Origin of Species Book by Darwin.  Has anyone seen it?  We'll get into that more after Christmas.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

October Eureka -- Apprentice, Journeyman and Masters


Welcome to Eureka this year! 

Q: What did the patella say to the femur? 
A: I kneed you.

If you already know what your femur and patella are, great!  Either way, we'll be learning more about those, and a LOT about the Human Body this year.  Your God-Given Body is extraordinary.

We'll also spend time in this book, learning about Math in a totally new way.  It will be ONEderful.  

I'm excited for our learning adventure this year.  As a mentor, I always learn a ton, right along with you.  Let's have a great year, and get started! This month:

A Structured Life -- The Musculoskeletal System


skeletal system

Intro to bone biology

muscular system

bone song:

Dem Dry Bones  For fun :)

In the book A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe, Read Chapters 1 and 2. (Remember how we talked reading a "sciency" book).  Or read for an hour, whichever comes first. As you read, highlight interesting things in your book. Write down 3 interesting facts about each chapter in your Common Place Book (CPB).


I. Choose 1

1. Go to this PDF, Print out both sheets and label them.  OR Print out a skeleton that you can cut out.  The last 6 pages of this PDF.  Cut it out, put it together with brads, and label 20 bones on it.  Bring it to show.

2. Using songs or diagrams, memorize at least 30 bones in the human body, come ready to recite and demonstrate to the class. Here are a couple songs you could use:

Bones of head

Bones Bones Bones

3. Print out this human muscular system.  Label at least 30 muscles, and bring it to class to show.  All the names of the possible muscles to label, are shown below the diagram.

4. Using songs or diagrams, memorize at least 30 muscles in the human body, come ready to recite and demonstrate to the class.

This video could help

5. Compare and contrast these 3 systems to each other:
human leg and foot  
chicken wing and foot
bear leg and paw 

 Print out pictures or draw diagrams.  Gather the information, and present it in a clear way. You could make a Venn Diagram if you choose.  Bring the information to class to share. This won't be a long presentation, just sharing your research in an interesting way.

6.  Study Prosthetics.  Answer these questions and any others you have.

What does the word prosthetic mean?
How long have people been using them?
What were they made from, and what are they made from now?
What 4 organ systems have to be coordinated to make a limb move?

Bring your findings to class to share in an interesting way.

II. From A Beginners Guide, Bring the facts you already wrote down. Come ready for a discussion.  Draw a page full circles of different sizes with your compass, including some vesica piscis.  Bring them to show. I would like this assignment to be done on a non-lined piece of paper NOT in your CPB, so we can hang them up.

III.  Watch this episode of Inventions that Shook The World . From the video or using other sources, find 3 important scientists or scientific advancements from the 1950s, and write them down on your Timeline.  Choose your favorite and prepare a mind-blowing 30-second news presentation on it.


 1. The human body is awesome; however, with it we have many things to overcome.  That's part of what this life is for. Think of someone you know who has an issue with their musculoskeletal system.  For example, some issues are: knee problems, osteoporosis, muscle strains, bone spurs, etc. Really anything to do with the bones or muscles of the body. 

It could be you, a family member, or friend.  Write down the issue.  Look up something that could help heal that issue.  Share it with that person.  Pray for that person's issue to heal.



I. Read from pages 1-60 in The Healing Code.  Highlight interesting parts you read.  Write down any questions that come to your mind as you read.


I. Choose ANY part of the musculoskeletal system, and draw it or sculpt it out of ANY materials.  This is a Waldorf education method.  Here is a link to some ideas, so you know what I mean.  These are only ideas.  Come up with your own!  Bring it to class to share.  This should be detailed and take some time.

II.  Watch this video on how to dissect owl pellets.

We will be dissecting chicken wings and owl pellets.


I. How did the Savior heal?  Find a scripture that tells how he performed healing.  Copy the scripture down in your commonplace book.


What is evolution?
Is it different than Natural Selection?
Is the earth millions of years old, or only thousands of years old?
What does the bible teach us about how the world was created?
Why does all this matter to me?
Join me this year as we carry on a discussion about evolution and creationism, and address all these questions, plus more.  If you make it to all 6 masters, you'll gain an
excellent understanding of multiple perspectives and how to intelligently speak about them throughout your life.  If you make it to only 1 or 2, you will still walk away with greater understanding of this great debate.  Either way, any information you can internalize about this topic will be to your benefit.  And the discussion together will be fascinating!


I. In the book 40 Questions about Creation and Evolution read question 32, "What is the theory of evolution?" starting on page 313.  Read it with a highlighter and/or pen!  Highlight points you'd like to talk about, or that stand out to you.

II. In the same book, study 1 other question from Part 1 or Part 6. (Questions 1-4 or 33-40)  You choose.  Just find the one that looks most interesting to you. Please text me which question you choose to study. 719-494-7522.  Bring a short presentation about the question you study.  What are the main points? Do you agree/disagree? Why? Make it interesting!


Go to this Google Doc.  Write something from each section of Question 32, under the subtitle. Ideas for writing:
*Summarize the section in 1-2 sentences.
*Share a quote that stood out to you from the section
*Share your opinion about what you read
Become and Serve

I. Read the account of the creation in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.

In your CPB, write down:
1. The purpose of the creation
2. The order of how things were created. 
            For example:  Day 1 - Light separated from Dark

Friday, March 22, 2019

March 28th journeymen.

Hey everyone welcome to journeymen! Come prepared to party, eat food and have SO MUCH FUN. It is going to be AWESOME.! I'm excited to see you all there.


1. This week you need to sign up here and be ready to prepare food to bring to our journeymen class. You need to present:

1. What herb you used on your food
2. What food you prepared

 2. Write a short story (at most a paragraph) about our class mascot, Herb.  In the story, you must make sure to include the herb you studied and how Herb interacts with it. Paste or write the story into this link for everyone to read.

Skim through all the stories of Herb.  Highlight (in any color) your top 3 favorite stories.  We will be reading the favorites in class.

3.Instead of voting this week I would like everyone to go to this Doc and study the herbs and their uses. If we have time during class we will be playing Cahoots to test your memory on the herbs we studied and for the team in 1 place will get our class mascot Herb and 1,2,3 will be able to choose one more container of the extra tinctures and cremes we have left.


 1. Bring 10 copies of the recipe you made to share with everyone in class.


Find a scripture that relates herbs in general to bring and share with everyone when you present.
Help someone heal by using a specific herb we studied and come prepared to tell us  why,how,what herb you and what you used the herb for.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Eureka Masters, March 28th!

Image result for The last melon gif

More like "The Last Masters." 
(For Eureka, anyway!) 

Unfortunetaly, all things must eventually come to an end, but that doesn't mean that it has to be a sad ending. Which is why this week is going to be a ton of fun, so you should all try to come. :D

Make sure to do the work so that you can participate and have fun with everyone!

Watch this really cool video! It helps explain a lot of what you're going to be reading about in the Weather Model. 

Read The Universal Model chapter 9, page 699 to page 791. (The end of the book!)

We aren't going to be doing presentations or having a debate this week, but still bring your favorite lessons, or the parts of the reading that stood out to you, to discuss with everyone while we...
We are going to be painting a large Universal Model Mural! It should be a lot of fun, and make sure to come with ideas of what you would like to paint (that has something to do with what we've been learning.) Some examples would be: a tree, a planet, mountains, clouds, etc. 
You won't be limited to what you chose to paint. In fact, you're welcome to add as much to the mural as you would like to. :)

Related image

Image result for clouds gif

You don't have to be Michael Angelo to enjoy painting, because... well... none of you are him because he is dead. Anyways, the point is, there is no reason to worry about what level of skill you have when it comes to painting because the point is not to show everyone that you are secretly descended from the dead Michael Angelo, but to have a fun activity to do while discussing what we've learned, and to enjoy each other's company and talents.

After we paint our lovely mural we are going to make and fly kites! They're going to be trashbag kites because... money and time, but also becasue that way they'll look like clouds!

Last, but not least, we're going to be having a picnic of sorts. So make sure to bring something (food or treat) to share that looks like or represents something that we've learned about this year with The Universal Model.
If you bring literal cups of dirt... You're fired.
Make sure that it is edible and tasty. :D

I've really enjoyed the experience of being your student mentor this year. You're all wonderful and super fun to work with! Thank you for doing the work to come to class, and for participating and making it really enjoyable.

Quick Recap:

  1. Watch the video with super pretty music and footage. 
  2. Do the reading and prepare to discuss.
  3. Bring ideas of what you would like to paint on the mural. 
  4. Bring something edible that represents something... less edible (like dirt.)  
See you in Masters! 


Related image

What’s the difference between weather and climate?
You can’t weather a tree, but you can climate.
What’s the difference between a horse and the weather?
One is reined up and the other rains down.

The End.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Chemistry Science Fair Blog - For March 28 Eureka Apprentice

Science Fair Eureka Apprentice


I.  If you'd like your award for memorizing the song, keep practicing!  I will give you the chance to pass it off on the last day of Vanguard, April 25th.  Then we'll have a party!

II.  If you'd like your award for finishing 40 logic pages throughout this year, bring your stack of pages to me anytime, up until April 25th.  All finishers will be going to play laser tag!  Time and Date TBD

III. Watch these videos to help you prepare your science fair project.

Scientific Method

Microwaving Grapes -- This is to show you that getting fascinated by a question can lead to amazing discoveries.  Make your science project interesting!

IV.  Prepare a Chemistry-Based project for our science fair, using the scientific method. Remember, only change 1 variable at a time!

Create a presentation board, showing us your hypothesis, experimentation and results.  Use visual aids and a hands-on demonstration to draw people to your table.

The format will be like a fair.  You will stay with your table for most of the morning, explaining to others what you discovered.  You will each have the opportunity to leave your table for a period of time, and go explore everyone else's.

We will be going to the church gym to set up.  All families will be invited to come watch demonstrations from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Details will come as we get closer.

Important:  Mad Scientist Hair Day!  Come to the fair looking like a mad scientist! If you have lab coats and goggles, even better!

If you need any supplies, please ask, I may have them.  I'm here to help! Please let me know if I can assist you in any way.  I'm excited to see what you come up with. :)

Happy Sciencing.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

March Eureka Masters!

Well folks, it seems that it has once again become that time. The time where Larry comes out and sings...a silly song. Or, to be more correct, an Obscure Broadway Tune.

Watch this:

Go find your paperclips, notepads, and whatever else you need to be clever, and make an exciting presentation! (Yes, that is the only reason you had to watch that video.... and because it's beautiful.) 
What does this presentation need to be on, you ask? 
That's a great question. 

Read this:  The Universal Model pages 574-692, starting at 8.8 The Carbonate Mark, and ending at Chapter 9 The Weather Model. 

Don't forget that you're allowed to skim so long as you're making sure to get good information out of it. A good way to do that is to read the bolded words, the statements next to the pictures, and the FQ's and FA's. 
BUT it is really good information, and if you read the chapter rather than skim, then not only will you get the reward of more knowledge, understanding, (♪) and wiser too (♪), but you'll get the grand prize! A chocolate bar of your choice. (If you have read the chapter every month.) 
And we all know how chocolate makes us feel: 

We aren't going to do a debate this week. Not because it hasn't been successful (because it has!) but because instead of a debate we're going to go on a hike! 
Well... it's more like a walk. It's kinda like the Pluto of hikes. But that's okay, because we still love Pluto! 
Related image
We are going to "hike" the dripping rock in Spanish Fork! It's really pretty, and it's super easy, so no worries! Utah's weather is predictably unpredictable, so bring a coat, jacket, or some source of warmth other than the pour unfortunate friend who offers you theirs. 
Image result for water rocks gif

Thank you everyone who's been putting in the work and coming to Masters. I really appreciate it, and I enjoy being your student mentor! For those who haven't come, just know it's a party, and that it can be an even bigger one if you decide to make the effort to join us. We'd love to have as many come with us on this hike as possible, "The more the merrier", so you should come! 

See you there!

I just heard a joke about a waterfall. It was a pour joke... 
What do you call a waterfall in the past? A waterfell.
I drove past a billboard promoting Niagra Falls as the tallest waterfall in the world... Turns out it was falls advertising. 
What's the opposite of a waterfall? 
A firefly! 
I will now leave. 


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

March Eureka Apprentice For March 21


0.  Pull out your super harmonious harmonica!  Come to class knowing how to play many single notes in a row.   Practice "Come, Come ye Saints"  We will play THE WHOLE THING together with everyone. Please BRING your harmonica to class.

I. Click on this link of the periodic table, and play with the periodic table for a few minutes, specifically the RARE EARTH metals and ACTINIDES.

Memorize the elements and their two-letter symbols from the Rare Earth Metals and Actinides, and review the symbols from the entire periodic table. We will play a slightly competitive game with them in class.

II.  Research 1 of these questions, and come prepared with knowledge to collaborate in class.

Does Baking Soda work well to clean stains on laundry or other areas?  Does it enhance or take away from regular detergents?  Explain The chemistry.

Does Vinegar work well to clean stains on laundry or other areas?  Does it enhance or take away from regular detergents?  Explain The chemistry.

Do "Homemade" soaps and detergents work?  Explain the chemistry.

How does "Oxy-Clean" work to clean our clothes?

Perform an experiment where you use different cleaning agents to clean different stains on fabric.  Bring your results to share.

III. Listen to this slightly annoying song.  Anyone who memorizes the entire table by the end of April will receive a super cool, super nerdy chemistry award!

IV Ninjas in Training: ALL Ninjas in training will be tested to be a ninja master.  So practice those last problems that are holding you back.  By the end of class we will all be Multiplication Ninja Masters.

Some ideas to practice:

*Have someone quiz you with flashcards
*Play multiplication war with a sibling, parent, or friend.
*Use a game or app that quizzes you
*Sing some skip counting songs and practice skip counting

Ninja Masters: Solve this Krypto

15, 7, 11, 5, 9

Target # 30

Quick Krypto rules:

Use the 5 random numbers to get to the target number.
Use each random # once and only once
You can add, subtract, multiply, or divide to get to the target number
Write your answer using correct mathematical notation (using ( ) where they are needed, so anyone could solve your equation.

When you walk into class, write your equation on the whiteboard

V. Use index cards to create these Notecards (Hint, many of these are answered in the following videos, but you may also look them up if desired) Some of them are not in the Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, you'll have to google them if you don't see them in the videos.


VI. Watch these videos.  Take notes in your CBP

All About the Base (no Acid) -- Optional -- Just a fun parody. :) 

Ted Talk: The Science Delusion  -- OPTIONAL.... I do not necessarily agree with everything said in this talk, but I give to you just because he brings up some fascinating points about science.  And to give you something to argue about at the dinner table. Enjoy!


I. If you have a report due, please come prepared!  If you are preparing a report, you are exempt from playing battleship. :)

MarchSignifcant Technological and Scientific Advancements from 1930-1940, including the people who were behind them.Elena Maurer
Signifcant Technological and Scientific Advancements from 1940-1950, including the people who were behind them.Jacob Harding
The Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and NagasakiBenjamin Mulder
The Manhattan ProjectAnneka Anderson

II.  Game time!  Battleship Rules:

Create 3 ships on your battlefield by circling them with a dry-erase marker.  Each ship will be a different size:
1 3-element ship,
1 4-element ship, and
1 5-element ship.

Get with someone in Vanguard and play battleship.  This can be in your home or over the phone (talking or texting).  Try to sink your opponents ships before they sink yours.

III. Logic Training.

Complete at least 3 pages of your Balance Math & More Workbook.  You can do more.

Why would you do more? 

There will be an award for everyone who comes to me with 40 completed logic pages by the last Eureka class in April.  These can include the pages of your Balance Book, and the other logic games I post.  I will need to see the entire stack of completed work.


One of the last groups of the periodic table that we are studying, is called the rare earth metals.

This made me think of a movie the church made years ago, called "How rare a possession."  It's a true story, and incredible! You may watch it if you'd like, but it's about an hour long.  Here is a 15 min clip from the movie.

I. Choose 1:

A. Watch the movie clip above.

B. Read the following article, which summarizes the clip.

II. Write for 10 mins in your CPB about why the "rare" gift of the Book of Mormon matters to you.

The Book of Mormon, the Word of God

“I Will Not Burn the Book!”

An Italian Protestant minister in the early 1900s gives up his ministry for a book without a name. Twenty years later, he discovers it is the Book of Mormon.

The story that follows is Brother Francesca’s account of his remarkable conversion. It is taken from an article in the May 1968Improvement Era, pages 4–7; from the Deseret News, Church Section, 28 February 1951, pages 12–13; and from a letter that Brother Francesca wrote to Ortho R. Fairbanks. The letter, currently in the Church archives, is the only known account by the author in English of his forty-year struggle to join the Church.
As I think back to the events in my life leading to a cold morning in New York City in February 1910, I cannot escape the feeling that God had been mindful of my existence. That morning the caretaker of the Italian chapel delivered a note to me from the pastor. He was ill in bed and wished me to come to his house, as he had important matters to discuss regarding the affairs of the parish.
As I walked down Broadway, the strong wind from the open sea moved the pages of a book lying on a barrel full of ashes. The form of the pages and the binding gave me the idea that it was a religious book. Curiosity pushed me to approach it. I picked it up and beat it against the barrel to knock off the ashes. It was printed in the English idiom, but when I looked to the frontispiece, I found it was torn away.
The fury of the wind turned the pages, and I hastily read Alma, Mosiah, Mormon, Moroni, Isaiah, Lamanites—except for Isaiah, all were names I had never before heard. I wrapped the book in a newspaper I had bought nearby and continued my walk toward the pastor’s house.
After a few words of comfort there, I took accord of what I should do for him. On the way home, I wondered who the people with the strange names might be. And who was this Isaiah? Was he the one in the Bible or some other Isaiah?
At home, I seated myself before the window, anxious to know what was printed in the book. As I turned the torn pages and read the words of Isaiah, I was convinced that it was a religious book that talked of things to come. But unknown was the name of the church that taught such doctrine, because the cover and frontispiece had been stripped off. The declaration of the witnesses gave me confidence that it was a true book.
I then bought twenty cents’ worth of denatured alcohol and some cotton at the neighborhood drugstore and began cleaning the pages. For several hours I read the remainder of the pages, which gave me light and knowledge and left me charmed to think of the source from which this fresh revelation had come. I read and reread, twice and twice again, and I found it fit to say that the book was a fifth gospel of the Redeemer.
At the end of the day, I locked the door of my room, knelt with the book in my hands, and read chapter ten of the book of Moroni. I prayed to God, the Eternal Father, in the name of his son, Jesus Christ, to tell me if the book were of God, if it were good and true, and if I should mix its words with the words of the four gospels in my preaching.
I felt my body become cold as the wind from the sea. Then my heart began to palpitate, and a feeling of gladness, as of finding something precious and extraordinary, bore consolation to my soul and left me with a joy that human language cannot find words to describe. I had received the assurance that God had answered my prayer and that the book was of greatest benefit to me and to all who would listen to its words.
I continued my services in the parish, but my preaching was tinged with the new words of the book. The members of my congregation were so interested that they became dissatisfied with my colleagues’ sermons. When members began leaving the chapel during their sermons and remained when I occupied the pulpit, my colleagues became angry with me.
The beginning of real discord began Christmas Eve, 1910. In my sermon that evening, I told the story of the birth and mission of Jesus Christ as given in my new book. When I had finished, some of my colleagues publicly contradicted all I had said. They denounced me and turned me over to the Committee of Censure for disciplinary action.
When I appeared before this committee, the members gave what they supposed to be fatherly advice. They counseled me to burn the book, which they said was of the devil, since it had caused so much trouble and had destroyed the harmony of the pastoral brothers. I replied, “I will not burn the book because of the fear of God. I have asked him if it were true, and my prayer was answered affirmatively and absolutely, which I feel again in my soul as I defend his cause now.” I felt then that the day would come when the book would be no more unknown to me and I would be able to enjoy the effects of the faith that led me to solemnly resist the Committee of Censure.
Not until 1914 was I once again brought before the council. The vice venerable spoke in a friendly tone, suggesting that the sharp words at the previous hearing may have provoked me, which was regrettable, since they all loved me. However, he said, I must remember that obedience is the rule and that I must burn the book.
I could not deny the words of the book nor burn it, since in so doing I would offend God. I said that I looked forward with joy to the time when the church to which the book belonged would be made known to me and I could become part of it. “Enough! Enough!” the vice venerable cried. He then read the decision, which was backed by the supreme synod three weeks later: I was to be stripped of my position as a pastor of the church and of every right and privilege I had previously enjoyed.
In November 1914, I was called into the Italian army and saw action in France. Once I related to some men in my company the story of the people of Ammon—how they had refused to shed the blood of their brothers and had buried their arms rather than be guilty of such great crimes. The chaplain reported me to the colonel, and the next day I was escorted to the colonel’s office. He asked me to tell him the story I had related. Then he asked how I had come into possession of the book. I received as punishment a ten-day sentence of bread and water, with the order that I was to speak no more of the book.
After the end of the war, I returned to New York, where I met an old friend, a pastor of my former church. He interceded for me with the synod, and I was finally admitted to the congregation as a lay member. As an experiment, it was agreed that I should accompany one of the pastors on a mission to New Zealand and Australia.
In Australia, we met some Italian immigrants who asked questions about the errors in some Bible translations. They were not satisfied with my companion’s answers. When they asked me about it, I once again told the story of Christ’s appearance to the people of America. When they asked me where I had learned such teachings, I told them of the book I had found. The story was sweet to them but bitter for my colleague. He reported me to the synod, and once again they cut me off from the church.
I returned to Italy shortly after. Then, in May 1930, while seeking in a French dictionary for some information, I suddenly saw the entry “Mormon.” I read the words carefully and found that a Mormon Church had been established in 1830 and that this church operated a university at Provo. I wrote to the university president, asking for information about the book and its missing pages. I received an answer two weeks later telling me that my letter had been passed on to the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
On June 16, 1930, President Heber J. Grant answered my letter and sent a copy of the Book of Mormon in Italian. He informed me that he would also give my request to Elder John A. Widtsoe, president of the European Mission, with headquarters in Liverpool. A few days later, Elder Widtsoe wrote to me, sending me a pamphlet that contained the story of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the gold plates, and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. At long last, I had learned the rest of the story of the torn book I had found on top of a barrel of ashes.
On June 5, 1932, Elder Widtsoe came to Naples to baptize me, but a revolution between the Fascists and anti-Fascists had broken out in Sicily, and the police at Palermo refused to let me leave the island. The following year, Elder Widtsoe asked me to translate the Joseph Smith pamphlet into Italian and to have 1,000 copies published. I took my translation to a printer, Joseph Gussio, who took the material to a Catholic bishop. The bishop ordered the printer to destroy the material. I brought suit against the printer, but all I received from the court was an order to him to return the original booklet.
When Elder Widtsoe was released as president of the mission in 1934, I started correspondence with Elder Joseph F. Merrill, who succeeded him. He arranged to send me the Millennial Star, which I received until 1940 when World War II interrupted the subscription.
In January 1937, Elder Richard R. Lyman, successor to President Merrill, wrote that he and Elder Hugh B. Brown would be in Rome on a certain day. I could meet them there and be baptized. However, the letter was delayed because of war conditions, and I did not receive it in time.
From 1940 until 1949, I was cut off from all news of the Church, but I remained a faithful follower and preached the gospel of the dispensation of the fulness of times. I had copies of the standard works, and I translated chapters into Italian and sent them to acquaintances with the greeting, “Good day. The morning breaks—Jehovah speaks!”
On February 13, 1949, I sent a letter to Elder Widtsoe at Church headquarters in Salt Lake City. Elder Widtsoe answered my letter October 3, 1950, explaining that he had been in Norway. I sent him a long letter in reply in which I asked him to help me to be quickly baptized, because I felt that I had proven myself to be a faithful son and servant of God, observing the laws and commandments of his kingdom. Elder Widtsoe asked President Samuel E. Bringhurst of the Swiss-Austrian Mission to go to Sicily to baptize me.
On January 18, 1951, President Bringhurst arrived on the island and baptized me at Imerese. Apparently, this was the first baptism performed in Sicily.
When I came up out of the water, I said, “I have prayed daily for many years for this moment.” As President Bringhurst and his wife left, I shook their hands tenderly and told them, “My dear Brother and Sister Bringhurst—you can hardly imagine how sweet those words brother and sister are to me. I say them with a feeling of affection and appreciation that I have never before experienced, for I know that you have led me through the door that will eventually bring me back to my Heavenly Father, if I am faithful.”
On April 28, 1956, I entered the temple at Bern and received my endowment. At last, to be in the presence of my Heavenly Father! I felt that God’s promise had been fully fulfilled—the day had come indeed when the book would be no more unknown to me and I would be able to enjoy the effects of my faith.
Brother Francesca died 18 November 1966 at Gesta Gratten (Palermo), Italy. Before his death, he was able to do the temple work for many of his ancestors.