Saturday, November 1, 2014

Journeyman November

Watch the video Map Distortions
Watch the video Why Every World Map is Wrong
Watch the video World Map Without Distortion
The total time for these three videos is about 7 minutes.  Notice the two viewpoints as to why there is distortion on maps.

Read and understand the info on Earthquakes 
Much of this will be review, but some info might be new to you.  When you finish reading the article, go back and ask yourself ALL of the questions that are contained as the headings to make sure you understand.
What is an earthquake? What causes an earthquake and where do they happen? Etc, Etc.

There are different waves that occur during an earthquake.  Study these by reading and taking notes, or drawing pictures of the four types of waves shown at Earthquake Waves.

Watch the vid Volcano 

Know/Understand (Do BOTH of these things)
1. Ask your mom and dad what you can do to help prepare in case of a natural disaster and then do it.  Ask them specifically if they have emergency  kits in their cars.  Pack food, water, source of heat, light source, etc. You may want to Google for ideas on how and what container to pack it in.  Our family's problem is that we eat/drink what we store in the car within days every dang time.  Put a lock on it? :)

Does your dad have an emergency kit at work?  Ask him if he would like you to put one together for him.

What else does your family need for preparedness?  72 hour kits? 

2. Teach a FHE lesson on earthquakes (what physically occurs), how to prepare for one, and what to do if/when there is one.  If you have little kids in your house be very sensitive to how scary it can be.  The idea is to inform not traumatize :)  You can use the Utah Geologic Society booklet that Summer and Adrianna brought to Vanguard History.

Each and every one of us sees the world through our own pair of "glasses" that have been colored or shaded by our experiences. Because of this we will all have "distortions", which means that the way we perceive life may not be 100% accurate. Add Satan, the Master of Distortion in the mix, and it is no wonder we all struggle! What distortions are you experiencing in your life?  In your relationships? This week, pay attention to the times you feel negative emotion, because negative emotion is a signal that there is a lie/distortion that we believe.  Journal what you are feeling.   See if you can find truth to replace the lie/distortion.

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