Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Cool Things in the Sky!

So, I know the last thing you all want right now is homework!  But this is not homework, it's an inspirement, haha.  And it's not really even that.  It's just REALLY COOL information, that I wanted to pass on to my fellow Vanguardians.  These are some great opportunities to look at the skies for the next couple weeks.

#1.  The Geminids Meteor Shower -- This happens every year, and it's biggest one of the year.  If you have a chance this weekend, check it out!

#2  Have you heard about the Christmas Star this year?  Check out this article.  We'll be watching outside on the 21st for sure!

#3  Orion is rising much earlier. He was well over the east mountains by 9 last night.  See if you can find him!.

Happy Star Gazing!