Saturday, October 15, 2022

Eureka Physics



In our last class we learned about Newtons laws of motion.  Who remembers what they are?

1. Define the words WORK, ENERGY, FORCE and POWER in terms of physics.  The videos below will help with that.  Don't worry if all of this sounds confusing, just see what you can learn from it.  Write down your definitions in your notebook.  Also, take some notes from the videos.  There will be a short kahoot quiz.
2. Watch this VIDEO
3. Watch this VIDEO
4. Choose an experiment to do about Work, Energy, Force or Power.  You can click on the links below and do one of these experiments, or find one of your own.  Make a video of your experiment to show us. Upload it to You-Tube.  You can use your own You-Tube or the Vanguard one. The instructions for that are in the tool box on the main vanguard page. 


1. Read (Skim) pages 66 -117 of the Physics book.  
2. Choose one section that you would like to learn more about.  
3. Sign up HERE  
4. Come prepared to teach us about what you learned.  You can do this with siblings if you wish.  I want to give you more time than last time.  You will have 3-5 minutes to show us what you learned, so dig in.

Each section has a person or 2 that influenced the thing you are learning about.  Be sure to include some interesting facts about that person.  More importantly though, help us understand what you learned in a fun and interesting way.  Here are a few ideas.  Your presentation is not limited to these ideas.
Make a video
Do an experiment that has to do with your topic
Draw a picture about what you learned
Make a song about what you learned
Do a demonstration


I found this lesson on the Church Website.  I loved it!  When it says to choose 2 activities, you only have to choose 1.
HERE is a link if you want to go directly to the lesson and be able to click on all the scripture links.

“Faith without Works Is Dead”

What do you think of people who say they believe in Jesus Christ and the gospel but do not act like they do? James taught that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). As Saints, we must show our faith by living the gospel. As you read James 1–2, look for teachings that give encouragement and help you live the gospel.

Studying the Scriptures

Do two of the following activities (A–C) as you study James 1–2.

  1. Scripture Mastery—James 1:5–6

    Joseph Smith was only fourteen years old and confused about religion when he read from the book of James.

    1. Read James 1:5–8 and write the words or phrases that encourage you to look for direction from God.

    2. Read about Joseph Smith’s experience in Joseph Smith—History 1:10–13. Describe a situation in which you could receive help by exercising faith and asking God for wisdom.

  2. Write a Talk for Sacrament Meeting

    Imagine you have been asked to speak in a sacrament meeting. Using what you learn from James 1:12–16, 22–27, outline a five-minute talk about how young people can better live the gospel.

  3. Scripture Mastery—James 2:17–18

    Some religions teach that faith is all that is needed in order to be saved and that good works are not necessary. James taught differently. Read the letter below and write a response using the information found in James 2:14–26.

    Dear Friend,

    I am afraid you are not Christian because you do not accept Jesus as your Savior. You believe that you need to do righteous works along with having faith to be accepted by God. You are deceived! Works are not necessary if you have faith and believe. The grace of Christ makes works nice, but unnecessary. Please turn from your errors, accept Christ, and do not rely on your works to save you. Only then can you have peace.

    Your friend in another church.

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