Friday, February 11, 2022

Eureka Journeyman Week 3 - Feb 17

 Eureka Journeyman Week 3 - Feb 17

I know I said we'd do whales this week, but those are actually for next week! Then Sharks!


The word "echinoderm" is made up from Greek ἐχινόδερμα, "spiny skin"

And we're going to have some to observe in Journeyman!

   1. Take a few minutes to look over the classes of the this Echinoderm phylum tree.

Mollusca, meaning “soft-bodied,” is one of the largest phylums in the animal kingdom. The word mollusc (or mollusk) derives from the Latin word “mollis,” which means “soft.” There are an estimated 200,000 species of mollusk worldwide accounting for nearly a quarter of all marine life.

2. Take a few minutes to look over the classes of the this Mollusk phylum tree.

I have a funny question. What if an entire species of animal was wiped out?  

Not there anymore. 


Would it change the ecosystem of the ocean?  What about the ecosystem on land?

So, what do these animals really do?  Why are they important?

Consider these questions for this assignment.

3. Go to this google doc, and add 5 facts.  Each cell can have up to 5 facts. Some cells might remain blank. You can add your facts to the same cell, or multiple cells. No repetition within the same cell. Let's all work together and see what these animals really do for our world.

Before class, I'll print out the doc, and we'll use it for a game during journeyman.

4. In order to be ready for dissections in journeyman watch these videos. I know that some of you get a little squeamish, and I respect that.  Give these vids a try, and if a part gets a little gross, just skip over it.  Do the best you can.  I think being a little more familiar with the animals before class will help the dissections to be more worth while.  

Observing and dissecting these animals is fascinating to me, because it reminds me that even such seemingly simple animals were created with mind-blowing complexity.  Another testimony of a Mighty Creator!  I hope you're finding value in this as well.

If you plan to do a lot of the dissecting (you know who you are), you should watch all of these! 

In your CPB, sketch each of the 4 animals from the videos. From your sketches, label the features on each animal you'd really like to find.

Sea Urchins

Urchins and Sand Dollars Part 2

Sea Stars


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