Should you give first aid like THIS??
First Aid is something that we can review over and over, and still learn from it! Choose one of the topics on the this googe doc. Study and Learn what first aid you would use in that situation.
Specifically learn:
1. How to avoid injury in the first place.
2. What you would do if you had medical assistance nearby.
3. What you would do if you DID NOT have medical assistance nearby. As in, you are in the "middle of nowhere," like, say, Topaz Mountain.
4. What specific herbs, or other natural remedies (ex. clay, dirt, oils, etc) could you use to help heal your issue.
5. If you have any remedies, natural or otherwise, in your home already for the issue you have chosen, PLEASE bring them to share as part of your teaching.
6. Bring pictures and other props to teach us well.
Come to class prepared to teach! If you want, you can get with the others studying the same topic, and work together. If not, I'll give you time in class to discuss together before presentations.
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