Monday, January 5, 2015

Frequently Asked Questions for BodyWorlds

Frequently Asked Questions

The BODY WORLDS exhibitions are first-of-their-kind exhibitions through which visitors learn about
anatomy, physiology, and health by viewing real human bodies, using an extraordinary process called
Plastination a groundbreaking method for specimen preservation invented by Dr. von Hagens in 1977.
Each exhibition features more than 200 real human specimens, including whole-body plastinates,
individual organs, organ configurations and transparent body slices. The specimens on display stem
from the body donation program that Gunther von Hagens established in 1983.

The exhibitions also allow visitors to see and better understand the long-term impact of diseases, the
effects of tobacco consumption and the mechanics of artificial supports such as knees and hips. To
date, nearly 25 million people around the world have viewed the BODY WORLDS exhibits.

What is the purpose of the exhibition?
The BODY WORLDS exhibitions aim to educate the public about the inner workings of the human body
and show the effects of poor health, good health and lifestyle choices. They are also meant to create
interest in and increase knowledge of anatomy and physiology among the public.

Couldn’t I learn just as much from books or models of human anatomy?
Real human bodies show the details of disease and anatomy that cannot be shown with models. They
also allow us to understand how each body has its own unique features, even on the inside. Visitors
are drawn to real specimens in a way that they are not to plastic models. One of the special features of museums and science centres is that they offer people a chance to see the real thing in a safe and
informative environment.

What is Plastination?
Invented by scientist and anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens in 1977, Plastination is the
groundbreaking method of halting decomposition and preserving anatomical specimens for scientific
and medical education. Plastination is the process of extracting all bodily fluids and soluble fat from
specimens, replacing them through vacuum forced impregnation with reactive resins and elastomers,
and then curing them with light, heat, or certain gases, which give the specimens rigidity and

Where did the specimens on display come from?
Will we know who the plastinates are or how they died?
The BODY WORLDS exhibitions rely on the generosity of body donors; individuals who bequeathed
that, upon their death, their bodies could be used for educational purposes in the exhibitions.
Currently, the Institute for Plastination has a donor roster of 8000 individuals,
490 are already deceased.
All of the whole body plastinates and the majority of the specimens are from these body donors;
some specific specimens that show unusual conditions come from old anatomical collections and
morphological institutes. As agreed upon by the body donors, their identities and causes of death
are not provided. The exhibitions focuse on the nature of our bodies, not on providing personal

Why are the plastinates posed the way they are?
The poses of the plastinates have been carefully thought out and serve educational aims. Each
plastinate is posed to illustrate different anatomical features. For instance, the athletic poses illustrate
the use of muscle systems while playing sports. The poses allow the visitor to relate the plastinate tohis or her own body.

Will I be able to touch any of the plastinates?
While you will be able to get very close to the plastinates, as a rule, visitors are not allowed to touch
them. At a certain area in the exhibition, however, visitors have the option of touching a select group of
plastinated organs to better understand both the human anatomy and the process of Plastination.

Are these exhibitions appropriate for children?
Nearly 25 million people, including young children, have viewed the BODY WORLDS exhibitions
around the world. It is important to note that the exhibition includes full-body plastinates with exposed

We recommend the BODY WORLDS exhibits for school groups in Grades 5 and up.
Why is it important for the public to see these exhibits?
We believe that when people understand more about how the body works and how it can break down,
they are more likely to choose healthy and sustainable lifestyles. We also hope it will inspire visitors
to learn more about the life sciences. Knowledge about what the human body looks like and how it
functions is basic life science information that should be available to everyone.

Why are there not more women plastinates in the exhibits?
Sensitive to perceived community concerns, Dr. von Hagens did not want to appear voyeuristic in
revealing too many female bodies. Further, he sees himself in the tradition of Renaissance anatomists,
whose works traditionally included far more masculine than feminine bodies, since all but the
reproductive systems are essentially the same. The musculature of male bodies is generally more
pronounced and illustrates more aspects of the muscle system. The organs on display come primarily
from the female body donors. However, since opening the exhibits, Dr. von Hagens has received
numerous requests from women visitors to see more examples of female anatomy. Based on this, Dr.
von Hagens has already added and will add more female plastinates to future exhibits.

How long can I stay inside the exhibits?
You can stay as long as you like. But we recommend allowing yourself about one to two hours. The
length of time will vary on how long each visitor wishes to examine each specimen and read the
information provided. An audio tour will increase your time in the exhibits.

Can I take photographs or film in the exhibitions?

Photography and filming, including pictures taken with cell phones, are not allowed in the BODY
WORLDS exhibitions, except by accredited members of the media.
Are food and drink permitted in BODY WORLDS?
Food and drink are not permitted in the exhibit galleries. The policy helps to protect The Leonardo’s
exhibits, as well as the BODY WORLDS plastinates.

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