Monday, January 5, 2015

Introduction to January's Eureka

As you know, each month we take a day of the creation and that is the basis for our study. We are now on day four where God created grass, seeds, plants, trees, etc. It is hard to do a botany study in the winter. I would rather wait to study that (March) when we can actually go outside and see evidence of seeds sprouting as the earth wakes up from its winter sleep.

So, even though it is out of order, we are going to be studying anatomy this month and next. Furthermore, there is an exhibit in Salt Lake at the Leonardo that ends this month. So, let's go!! The exhibit is called BodyWorlds. It shows people who have passed away, donated their bodies to science, are plastinated and are on display. You should know that the exhibit is somewhat controversial.  I have posted info on the Vanguard blog that is helpful in preparing to go. Please have your parents read them! I believe both sides of the issue are very well represented and that you will, with the help of your parents decide whether or not this field trip is for you.  Please know that if you choose not to go, there will be no judgment, and I won't even dock your grade ;) We all have different opinions, and how great that as homeschoolers we get to follow the spirit and choose for ourselves.

There will be inspirements in which we will learn and discover all sorts of amazing, awesome things about the human body. So be prepared whether you go to BodyWorlds or not!  I love to study human anatomy as it manifests the wonder and awe of our Creator like nothing else! 

Some info you need to know:
We will go to BodyWorlds on Thursday, Jan. 22, at our regularly scheduled Eureka time. We will meet at Halley's at 9 a.m. We will have opening and leave after that, about 9:30. (If you opt out of the field trip you can take the whole day off instead of just coming for opening.) 

Your Vanguard dues will pay for you to go.  Any other parents who want to go?  We have a discounted price for adults at $15.00.  We would love to have you.  You are also welcome to bring any siblings that you think it would be appropriate for at $6.50 per person.

What to bring:
Bring a lunch!  (As usual.)
Bring a pen and paper as we will have a bit of time to journal about the experience afterwards.

Drivers?  Would you please let me know if you are planning to go, and if your parents would like to come and if they are willing to drive? 

What time will we return?  I am guessing about  3:00, but we can always call on our way home to give you the heads up.

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