Monday, August 4, 2014

Master September

Master Eureka
Seek Wisdom: Search for Understanding and Discernment


Don't let the size of the book scare you from doing master work. We will read chapters 1, 2, 3, 10 and 11.   Make sure you really pay attention to the "Icons of Evolution" material.  This is the nitty gritty; the in's and out's of why evolutionists believe what they do.  We want to understand the evidence as well as the holes in their theories.

Read the following article:  Christ and the Creation

Modern day “debating” is oftentimes little more than people with differing opinions, becoming highly insulted when someone disagrees, mudslinging, and then more mudslinging with accusations that the other person is judgmental,  narrow minded, and should exit the gene pool.  The topic, origins of the universe, tends to be the hottest topic around for this type of arguing.
Read the article: How to Debate Civilly

Watch the debate, "Is Creation a Viable Scientific Model?" Click here
Break out the popcorn!  This debate is long, although I did enjoy it.  If you find yourself zoning out, feel free to forward the video a bit.  I suggest you take notes on points made by Ham and Nye.

I joined in the debate; you know, talking aloud to my computer as if I could be heard.  If you have any of comments/arguments you wish to interject, write those down as well :)
There is no doubt that you will be prosecuted for your Christian beliefs, not to mention Latter Day Saint beliefs.  The goal is that you are prepared to stand for what you believe.

Write an essay about what you learned through this process:  Was your faith strengthened?  Why or why not?  Did you feel upset when faced with information that challenged your belief system?  Why or why not? Do you feel prepared to go to a university and attend class where other beliefs systems are presented as scientific fact? Were you successful in seeking wisdom, understanding and discernment?