April Eureka Journeyman
In our endeavor to THRIVE in any situation, we are going to go over directions and how to use a compass.
1. Bring a compass to class. We are going to do a compass course, and possibly create one depending on time. We need 1 compass per 2 people (1 per person if possible). If you happen to have more than that, please bring them. If you don't have one, please borrow one, or buy one. It's a great thing to have anyway, and now you'll have an idea of how to use it! We will also need these on our campout.
Brother Martin will teach us how to use the compass at the beginning of class. If you don't have one, you will be lost! Haha, yes I just said that.
II. Watch this video to help you understand true north vs. magnetic north.
Knowing your direction in any given situation is important. For example, if I'm going to visit the Eagars in Orem, I'm going to drive North. I KNOW that. Sometimes people give me directions using the Cardinal directions, which are North, South, East and West. If I KNOW Orem is North, then I know how to find E, S and W. That's good to know! If you know 1 direction, you can know all 4 if you remember this:
If you ever find yourself in a survival situation, finding which direction is which is important. Why?
We've talked about using the North Star at night to point us North. What about during the day? How can we find which direction is which using only the sun or other clues? There are several ways actually. Your assignment is:
Research 1 way you can find directions using the sun. Try it out in your own yard! Come to class prepared to explain your method.
Look up John 14:6 and memorize it.
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