Thursday, February 28, 2019

March Eureka Masters!

Well folks, it seems that it has once again become that time. The time where Larry comes out and sings...a silly song. Or, to be more correct, an Obscure Broadway Tune.

Watch this:

Go find your paperclips, notepads, and whatever else you need to be clever, and make an exciting presentation! (Yes, that is the only reason you had to watch that video.... and because it's beautiful.) 
What does this presentation need to be on, you ask? 
That's a great question. 

Read this:  The Universal Model pages 574-692, starting at 8.8 The Carbonate Mark, and ending at Chapter 9 The Weather Model. 

Don't forget that you're allowed to skim so long as you're making sure to get good information out of it. A good way to do that is to read the bolded words, the statements next to the pictures, and the FQ's and FA's. 
BUT it is really good information, and if you read the chapter rather than skim, then not only will you get the reward of more knowledge, understanding, (♪) and wiser too (♪), but you'll get the grand prize! A chocolate bar of your choice. (If you have read the chapter every month.) 
And we all know how chocolate makes us feel: 

We aren't going to do a debate this week. Not because it hasn't been successful (because it has!) but because instead of a debate we're going to go on a hike! 
Well... it's more like a walk. It's kinda like the Pluto of hikes. But that's okay, because we still love Pluto! 
Related image
We are going to "hike" the dripping rock in Spanish Fork! It's really pretty, and it's super easy, so no worries! Utah's weather is predictably unpredictable, so bring a coat, jacket, or some source of warmth other than the pour unfortunate friend who offers you theirs. 
Image result for water rocks gif

Thank you everyone who's been putting in the work and coming to Masters. I really appreciate it, and I enjoy being your student mentor! For those who haven't come, just know it's a party, and that it can be an even bigger one if you decide to make the effort to join us. We'd love to have as many come with us on this hike as possible, "The more the merrier", so you should come! 

See you there!

I just heard a joke about a waterfall. It was a pour joke... 
What do you call a waterfall in the past? A waterfell.
I drove past a billboard promoting Niagra Falls as the tallest waterfall in the world... Turns out it was falls advertising. 
What's the opposite of a waterfall? 
A firefly! 
I will now leave. 


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