Saturday, January 5, 2019

January Eureka Masters!

Thank you everyone who came last time! We had a lot of fun. Which is also the goal for this week, so everyone should forget about sleep for a day or two and try to come again. It's not as stressful as it sounds if you don't procrastinate! If you wait until Wednesday then it is more stressful than it sounds... But it's still worth it.
Which means that in order to avoid sweat and tears over a science book, you should get started immediately.
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To introduce you to part of what this chapter will be about, watch this video!

This week for reading we're going to finish chapter 7 in the Universal Model. You need to start on page 358, starting at The Meteorite Model, and you'll be stopping at page 475, Chapter 8, the Universal Flood Model. 

Remember that you are allowed to skim! When skimming you should make sure to read the captions under the pictures, the bold quotes (not necessarily the quotes in blue writing, but ones that are a bigger font),  and make sure to find all of the FQ's and FA's! 
FQ's stand for fundamental questions, and FA's stand for Fundamental Answers.

If you have been reading the book word for word (not skimming) then you are on your way to the prize, which will be a king size candy bar of your choice. Keep it up! 
If you would like a prize but you haven't read it word for word, or maybe this is your first time coming to Eureka Masters (yay!), then you need to read word for word what you haven't yet read this year. (We started at the beginning of chapter 7), and continue reading it until we finish at the end of the school year. 

Once you have done your reading you need to make a 2-3 minute presentation! If you don't make it exciting you're going to be kicked out of class. 
Just kidding, we'll all just be very, very very disappointed. So make it good. ;)
Image result for It's all about the presentation megamind gifYou can make it exciting by drawing/coloring a picture, making a song parody, writing a story, making a video, giving an object lesson, or anything else that you can think of! If you need examples or references, I've posted some presentations that have been done in the past on the previous Eureka Masters blog post.
Our last Eureka Masters we had a debate, and it ended up being really fun! A bitter-sweet aspect, however, was that everyone who made it agreed with each other... Which made is so that half of them debated for a side they hadn't prepared for. But everyone did a really great job! 

This time, in order to prepare for the debate, please study different points that could go on either side. If you already feel like you could debate either side fairly well then you are exempt from that requirement. Good for you! 

I'll have you volunteer at class for who would like to debate which side (whether you agree with that side or not), and if it becomes incredibly uneven, I may just randomly choose you, so be ready! :D

The debate topic for this week is...!!! 
*Drum roll* 

Meteor Crater VS Hydro Crater!!!

Research it and come prepared to debate. 15 minutes of research at minimum!
I can't wait to see you at class! 


Q: How does one astronaut on the moon tell another astronaut that he is sorry? 
A: He Apollo-gizes. 

Q: What do you call a moon out of orbit? 
A: A Lunatic! 

Q: How does a man on a moon get his haircut? 
A: Eclipse it. 

Q: What does Michael Jackson have in common with the NASA? 
A: It's been decades since their first moon walk. 

Q: What do moon people do when they get married? 
A: They go off on their honeyearth! 

Two blondes in Las Vegas were sitting on a bench talking ... and one blonde says to the other, "Which do you think is farther away ... Florida or the moon?" The other blonde turns and says "Hellooooooo, can you see Florida?" 

After the Americans went to the Moon, the Soviets announced that they would be sending a man to the Sun. The engineers objected. "If you send a man to the Sun, he will burn up!" "What do you think I am, stupid?" he replied. "We'll send him at night!" 
Image result for you're welcome gif

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