Monday, September 17, 2018

September Eureka Masters!

Welcome to Masters!
I'm super excited to be your new student mentor for this year, and to learn about all of the secrets that God has hidden in the beauty around us. Which is exactly what we're going to be studying this year in Masters--Earth's beauty and her secrets!

Last year those of us who went to Eureka Masters were given the option of reading from either the UM (Universal Model) or a different book that was chosen each month. But this year is going to be a little different...

Image result for different doesn't mean wrong Instead of learning about the Universal Model and whatever other book we choose, we're going to be learning about the Universal Model and Modern Science!

We're going to be comparing and contrasting the differences between the theories presented in both of them.

The differences are huge in some areas and little in others, but they're both important to learn so that we can decide for ourselves what we believe is the truth.

Throughout the year there is going to be a lot of reading involved. We're going to be focusing on the last three chapters of the UM.
Related imageBut not to worry! You can  should still come even if you didn't read the first part of the UM last year!

The first half of the book basically just went over how we need to have an open mind when learning, so that we can be more open to more possibilities, and see what we're taught from different viewpoints.
That's all that I'm going to say on that for now, however, since we'll be going over it a bit in class. :)

For our first class you aren't going to be required to read any of the UM.
All you need to do is watch these videos about the Universal Model:


"What IS the liquid inside of the Earth? The concept that the Earth is a Hydroplanet instead of a magmaplanet is one of the key components of the UM.  
Evidences of a Hydroplanet Earth include the Crystallization Process which demonstrates that rocks are made out of water, Celestial Water and the abundance of water in the Universe and other planets,  and  Hydrospheres—spherically shaped celestial bodies with 
large amounts of water and iceThese, along with a host of other evidences will confirm the new scientific discovery of the Hydroplanet."

~The Universal Model

And read this article about what Modern Science believes is in the earth:

Which one do you believe is in the earth?

And the last thing you need to do is prepare to have a ton of fun! We'll be playing games, eating treats, and having a discussion on what you think is truth, and why you think it is.
And if you'd like to bring a treat, please do! The more the merrier! And if you want to make it a "science" themed treat, even better!


Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are on a camping trip. In the middle of the night, Holmes nudges Watson awake, and says, "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
"I see millions of stars, Holmes."
"And what do you infer from these stars?"
Related image"Well, a number of things," he says, lighting his pipe: Astronomically, I observe that there are millions of galaxies and billions of stars and planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Meteorologically, I expect that the weather will be fine and clear. Theologically, I see that God is all-powerful, and man, his creation, small and insignificant. What about you, Holmes?"
"Watson, you fool. Someone has stolen our tent!"
You're welcome! :D

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