Sunday, September 30, 2018

October Eureka Apprentice

October Apprentice


I. From Chemistry for Every Kid, perform 2 experiments from chapter 4 - Changes.

 Record in your commonplace book what you learned from your experiment.

II. Use index cards to create these Notecards (Hint, many of these are answered in the following videos, but you may also look them up if desired) Some of them are not in the Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, you'll have to google them if you don't see them in the videos.

Atomic Number
Atomic Mass
Molecular Bond
Covalent Bond
Ionic Bond
Physical Change
Chemical Change

IV. Watch these videos

:Molecular Structure of You  - Just for fun!  Don't let the math in this song scare you.  Just enjoy the parody.

Pause....please take out your commonplace books and take notes on these videos.

Atomic Number vs Atomic Mass - We talked about this a little bit in class, but this explains it so well!

Molecules and Compounds, Ionic vs. Molecular (Covalent)

Writing Ionic Compounds, Write the positives and negatives he talks about on one of your battleship periodic tables. We will practice these in class

V.  Ninjas in Training Practice the times tables you need to work on in order to move to the next Ninja level.  Only you know what those are. Spend 3 sessions of 10 minutes each working on them.  You can choose how to do this.  One of the sessions will be with your Ninja Trainer. Here are some options:

*Have someone quiz you with flashcards
*Play multiplication war with a sibling, parent, or friend.
*Use a game or app that quizzes you
*Sing some skip counting songs and practice skip counting

If you feel ready to to be tested as a ninja master, we will give you that opportunity in class!

Ninja Masters: Contact each of your Ninjas in training over the phone, or skype or in person, and spend 10 minutes working with them to pass the level they are working on.


If you have a report due, please come prepared!

OctoberSignifcant Technological and Scientific Advancements from 1880-1900, including the people who were behind them.Chris Eagar
Evolution of Combat Ground Transport from the Civil War to WWII, World Widejayson fontano
Evolution of Civilian Ground Transport from the Civil War to WWII, World Widejaykob fontano
Signifcant Technological and Scientific Advancements from 1900-1910, including the people who were behind them.Sam Eagar

I. Click on this link of the periodic table, and find the Halogens, Alkali Metals, and Alkali metals, and Alkali Earth Metals.

Memorize all the elements and their two-letter symbols from the Halogens, Alkali Metals, and Alkali Earth Metals. We will review them in class. 

Watch these cool videos about the elements we're studying:

Alkali Metals


Alkali Earth Metals

Choose 1 element from this group to study in depth.  Come up with at least 3 new facts about your element that are not listed on the table. 

When was it discovered, who was it discovered by? 
How was it discovered?
How did it get it's current purpose in today's society?
Was there any dramatic story surrounding your element (believe me, there is lots of drama in chemistry!)? 
How has is been used throughout history?

II. Listen to this slightly annoying song.  Anyone who memorizes the entire table by the end of April will receive a super cool, super nerdy chemistry award!

See here, even Daniel Radcliffe can do it!

III. Perform the tasks outlined below in this Modeling Atoms Lab

1 When the page opens you should see 3 boxes.  Click on the one that says "Atom"
2. Before you begin you will want to open some measurement tabs.  Click the + sign on the "Net Charge" and "Mass Number" tabs.  Also, click "Stable/Unstable" under "Show." Having these selected should allow you to see the the quantities you will need for this lab.
3. Let's start by building a simple atom.  Drag one proton from the proton bin into the center of the atom.  Then drag one electron into the orbits.  You should see that you have created a stable hydrogen atom.  Use this setup as a starting point for the questions.

Go to THIS Google Doc, print out the page, and answer the questions.  Fold the paper into your CPB.

IV. Choose ONE of these options:

1.  Make a video about different types of bonding.

2. Make a model of a molecule using any materials you like.  Know the name of your molecule!

3.  Draw or paint a picture of a molecule. Know the name of your molecule!

4. Bring a demonstration of how a specific type of bonding works.

5. Write an interesting story about interaction of molecules.

6. Bake something that involves a chemical change and bring it to share.

Be creative!

Bring your work to class to show.

V.  Game time!  Battleship Rules:

Create 3 ships on your battlefield by circling them with a dry-erase marker.  Each ship will be a different size:
1 3-element ship,
1 4-element ship, and
1 5-element ship.

Get with someone in Vanguard and play battleship.  This can be in your home or over the phone (talking or texting).  Try to sink your opponents ships before they sink yours.

VI. Logic Training.

Complete at least 3 pages of your Balance Math & More Workbook.  You can do more.

Why would you do more? 

There will be an award for everyone who comes to me with 40 completed logic pages by the last Eureka class in April.  These can include the pages of your Balance Book, and the other logic games I post.  I will need to see the entire stack of completed work.

Here are some options to print out and complete

As Always....Krypto remains an option, too!  See September Apprentice for details.


Choose 1:

1. This week you've been learning about covalent and ionic bonding.  
Consider these questions:
What other types of bonding are there in your life?  How do you bond with your family?  Is it important to bond with your family? Why?

Action:  Prayerfully choose at least 1 person in your family to bond with this week. Do something with them, or for them, that you would not otherwise do.  Write about what you did in your CPB.

2. We've also talked about chemical and physical changes this week.  What is a change you could make in your life?  If you were to compare the two types of changes in Chemistry, the physical change can be reversed, the chemical change cannot.  Choose something in your life that you could change for the better, and make it a "chemical change."

Action:  Find a scripture about having a "change of heart."  Write that scripture in your CPB, along with what change you are going to commit to make in your life.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

October Eureka Masters! :D

Hello everyone!

Thank you everyone who came to our first Master's class! For those of you who didn't come, you should join us this time...if you can;) For those of you who came last time, you should come again! 

This week I want you to read or skim pages 230-358, starting at the beginning of chapter 7, and stopping at 7.10, The Meteorite Model, in The Universal Model. 
Related image
We've decided to give an award to anyone who reads, 
and not skims the book. Reading it will prepare you 
for college, where you will be given many textbooks 
that you aren't going to be allowed to simply skim. 
But if you're short on time, or maybe you're having a 
hard time staying awake... I understand;) So feel free 
to skim if that is what's best for you! 

When skimming you should make sure to read the captions under the pictures, the bold quotes (not necessarily the quotes in blue writing, but the ones that are a bigger font), and make sure to find all of the FQ's and FA's! 
FQ's stands for fundamental Questions, and FA's stand for Fundamental Answers.   

Based on what you've read I want you to make a 2-3 minute presentation. It can be drawing/coloring a picture, making a song parody, writing a story, making a video, giving an object lesson, or just sharing you're favorite part that you thought was really cool! 
Or anything else that you can think of:D 

Examples of presentations: 

A video we made about our own "Theory".

A video we made a year ago... It's kinda biased, but it's funny!

A few of the pictures I've drawn for presentations:

So... make it exciting!

The question of the week (or month, depending on when you read this blog post..) is...

Magma Planet VS Hydro Planet!!!

Pick a side and research it! We'll be formatting our debates a lot like how we did it in Eureka last year, so make sure you have a few really good points or statistics to share when it's your turn to speak!

15 minutes of research at minimum!Image result for research gif
A new government 10 year survey that cost $3,000,000,000 revealed that 3/4 of the people in America make up 75% of the population. 

You're welcome! ;P

Monday, September 17, 2018

September Eureka Masters!

Welcome to Masters!
I'm super excited to be your new student mentor for this year, and to learn about all of the secrets that God has hidden in the beauty around us. Which is exactly what we're going to be studying this year in Masters--Earth's beauty and her secrets!

Last year those of us who went to Eureka Masters were given the option of reading from either the UM (Universal Model) or a different book that was chosen each month. But this year is going to be a little different...

Image result for different doesn't mean wrong Instead of learning about the Universal Model and whatever other book we choose, we're going to be learning about the Universal Model and Modern Science!

We're going to be comparing and contrasting the differences between the theories presented in both of them.

The differences are huge in some areas and little in others, but they're both important to learn so that we can decide for ourselves what we believe is the truth.

Throughout the year there is going to be a lot of reading involved. We're going to be focusing on the last three chapters of the UM.
Related imageBut not to worry! You can  should still come even if you didn't read the first part of the UM last year!

The first half of the book basically just went over how we need to have an open mind when learning, so that we can be more open to more possibilities, and see what we're taught from different viewpoints.
That's all that I'm going to say on that for now, however, since we'll be going over it a bit in class. :)

For our first class you aren't going to be required to read any of the UM.
All you need to do is watch these videos about the Universal Model:


"What IS the liquid inside of the Earth? The concept that the Earth is a Hydroplanet instead of a magmaplanet is one of the key components of the UM.  
Evidences of a Hydroplanet Earth include the Crystallization Process which demonstrates that rocks are made out of water, Celestial Water and the abundance of water in the Universe and other planets,  and  Hydrospheres—spherically shaped celestial bodies with 
large amounts of water and iceThese, along with a host of other evidences will confirm the new scientific discovery of the Hydroplanet."

~The Universal Model

And read this article about what Modern Science believes is in the earth:

Which one do you believe is in the earth?

And the last thing you need to do is prepare to have a ton of fun! We'll be playing games, eating treats, and having a discussion on what you think is truth, and why you think it is.
And if you'd like to bring a treat, please do! The more the merrier! And if you want to make it a "science" themed treat, even better!


Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are on a camping trip. In the middle of the night, Holmes nudges Watson awake, and says, "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
"I see millions of stars, Holmes."
"And what do you infer from these stars?"
Related image"Well, a number of things," he says, lighting his pipe: Astronomically, I observe that there are millions of galaxies and billions of stars and planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Meteorologically, I expect that the weather will be fine and clear. Theologically, I see that God is all-powerful, and man, his creation, small and insignificant. What about you, Holmes?"
"Watson, you fool. Someone has stolen our tent!"
You're welcome! :D

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September eureka journeymen

Hey everyone welcome to journeymen! This year we are going to study herbs and have SO MUCH FUN. We are also going to make something in every class. It is going to be AWESOME!


1. This week you need to sign up here and we will have 2 people per herb. Research it. As you research  answer these questions.

 3 main uses

what parts of it to use

 how to prepare it

 any other info you thinks is useful

 come prepared to present at most a 3 min presentation.

 2. Write a short story (at most a paragraph) about our class mascot, Herb.  In the story, you must make sure to include the herb you studied and how Herb interacts with it. Paste or write the story into this link for everyone to read. also read the requirements on the top and if you haven't voted and were there last journeymen please vote. Send your votes to me at:

 Come prepared to learn and have fun because we will also be making a couple of concoctions every time.


 1. Bring a quarter-page card with the uses, name and picture of the herb that you studied. We will be displaying these on an herb board so we need you all to bring a card. 


Find a scripture that relates herbs in general to bring and share with everyone when you present.
Help someone heal by using a specific herb this week.
Make a herbal concoction. to share with your family or bring it to class to share.