Saturday, February 24, 2018

March Eureka Apprentice

March Eureka Apprentice


I. Pull out the ancient calculating device. Please bring it to class!

All Students: Watch this video, write down the problem on paper that she gives, and solve this problem with the video.  It will help your skillzzz immensely!

Beginner Abacus Students: 

Finish filling out out worksheet #4 from this PDF File.   It should be the other 1/2 the worksheet.

If you have any questions on the problems, please call me! 719-494-7522.   Remember, this will get really useful with bigger numbers!

Here is the addition video, watch this video with your abacus in hand, and work the problems with her.

Intermediate Abacus Students: Here is a link to 2nd level abacus worksheets.  Print and complete at least 1/2 of worksheet #5. Work on 10 problems from each row.

To continue our multiplying, solve each of these problems.  Let's just focus on a large number multiplied by a 1 digit number, so we can master that skill.  Write the answers you got on your abacus in your commonplace book.

2789 X 7
3346 X 9
2298 X 5

These videos may be helpful as you remember how to do this.  Mostly the 2nd one:

II.  This may seem a little random, but watch this 2 minute video about Mt Kilimanjaro.  We will have a guest speaker coming who just got back from climbing it!  

III. Make these note cards from the Dictionary of Cultural Literacy:

Prime number
Continental divide
Earth, evolution of

On these cards, notice how some of the definitions are different from what the UM says.  If you're not taking the UM class, just realize that some of these definitions are THEORIES, not facts.

IV. BIG Reports -- Reports that last about 5 minutes, with fun, engaging information, examples, content, and visual aids.

James Hargreaves (1720? - April 22, 1778
Jacob Harding

Benjamin Banneker 1731-1806
Benjamin Mulder

Joseph-Louis Lagrange 1736-1813
Caleb Martin

James Watt (1736-1819
Luke Mulder

V.  Elon Musk is a modern day inventor.  He is launching rockets NOT through NASA, through his own private company.  The rocket boosters are recoverable, which is a 1st in rocket history!  This is like Iron Man! Watch this Video.

This Video shows some of his failures.  Watch the one after it as well:  "How Elon Musk plans to save mankind with SpaceX" Do you agree with him?


VI. Solve 2 of these logic puzzles (there are 4 total).  Bring your answers to class!

VII. Create another invention, like we talked about in class.  I love to see all your ideas! If you'd like to make some type of sun oven or rocket stove, there are lots of ideas online.  You can even copy mine...I got the idea online.  It can be original, that's even better.  

If you have an idea for a great invention, but not the resources to make it, bring the blue prints, or a prototype (a smaller version of the real thing), and tell us about it. 

Remember Leonardo DaVinci invented ideas that never really came to life until a later date. We know about them because of his detailed drawings.

Most of all, make sure your invention creates a Functional Purpose.  Follow the ideas given to you by the spirit.  It also helps if it's something you love!

If you've already started on an invention, work on it, or do something to improve it or make it better.

Bring your invention to Eureka.  Be prepared to take a minute or two to explain to the class how it works. Demonstrations make it fun!  If it's too big to bring to class, bring a video!

Read or Listen to the conference talk: Gathering the Family of God by President Eyring.  

How will your your invention bless those around you?  Spend 5 minutes journaling your answer.

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