Monday, March 14, 2022

Sea Quest Field Trip!!

**Keep working on the Living Christ**

**Work on reading Navigating Early**

(Finish this week, so you don't have to worry about it next week.)

And a few quick things to work on before the field trip, which should take 20 minutes... max

2. Checkout out this link which will tell you when to be there and what to bring if you're snorkeling.

3. Read this information about how Sea Quest cares for it's animals.

That's it!  See you Thursday!

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Eureka Apprentice Week 6

 Eureka Apprentice Week 6

Don't forget to study "The Living Christ."


--Brain Work--

Here's my last shot at helping you understand WHY memorization is so important.

1. Memorization is Discipline for the Mind. It will train your mind to focus and be industrious.

2. No, You can't always "google it." What if you have no internet? What if it's not on the internet..(gasp,) or what if you want to have a good debate on the fly, or actually want to be an expert at something?

3. Memorization creates the repertoire of what we think about.  Elder Scott says memorizing a scripture is like making a faithful new friend: “Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change.”

4. The more you remember, the more you can learn.  Your memory is like a muscle in that the more you train it, the stronger it gets and more you can store.

Who's with me? Text Me, Sister Martin, 719-494-7522, Which one of these 4 reasons is the best motivation for you?  Yes, this is a 1 minute assignment.

--Marine Biology--

STOP!!!!!! Before you scroll any more, answer these questions.

What type of animal do you think this is? 

What do you notice about its skin?

How many different kinds of animals can you think of that have skin similar to this? 

--Marine Reptiles and Marine Birds--

  1. Sea turtles are reptiles. Reptiles usually have scaly skin, lay eggs on land, and are cold-blooded. Unlike fish, they have lungs and breathe air. Sea turtles cannot breathe underwater, but they can hold their breath for several hours!

  2. 1. Go to pages 71-75 in the curriculum (or on the thumbnails on the side pages 85-89. I just found out from Alex that the other page numbers were confusing!). Read about the Marine Reptiles.

  3. 2. Watch this video about Marine Reptiles

  4. 3. Go to page 77, (or 91) and read about Marine Organism Adaptations.  The instructions say to choose 1 animal and tell a family member about it.  I want you to do that, but you will tell me about it. You may have to look up additional facts!  

  5. Send me 1 question for the kahoot about your organism.  The first 3 to send me questions will get vanbucks!  801-901-3610 or

  6. (Also, if you have siblings in vanguard, please choose different organisms so we can try to cover them all.)

A bird’s beak is essential to its survival. It is the tool a bird uses for obtaining food, shelter, and water. Marine birds’ beaks are specially designed for life in the ocean environment. A marine bird includes any bird that spends most of its life near the ocean. It is commonly called a seabird. Most seabirds have webbed feet.

  1. Marine birds are unique because they do not require fresh water to drink. They are able to get rid of unnecessary salts in their bodies to keep them in balance. Marine birds are divided into five main groups. 

  2. 4. Print out pages 122-124 (or 136-138) Read about each main group and sort the birds into the groups.

  3. 5. Watch this video about  Marine Birds

  4. Remember to take notes on all the things for the kahoot!


 Solve ONE of these puzzles.
For extra vanbucks you can solve all of them.


Cross Sum





Check out the video about the Suez Canal. This is a canal that Mr. Fogg used when traveling around the world.  It is key to international shipping. Circle in on your world explorations map, and label it on your key, along with the dates of it's building.

--Around the World in 80 Days--

6. Week 6: Finish the Book! Does he make it?

  • Add all travels to your "Around the World" travel log.
  • Chart his journey to your "Around the World" travel map.


1.  Ocean Animal Report:  This week I want you to study one ocean animal that you think has the Best Defense Mechanism(s) You can use a real animal, a made up one, or a mythical creature.  To prepare for this you will need to do these things.

  • Find an ocean animal to study that has the BEST DEFENSE MECHANISM!
  • Print a picture of your animal and bring it to add to our ocean wall. (No pictures on phones! Physical pictures please!)
  • Learn what ocean it is found in.
  • Tell us what Pelagic Zone or Intertidal Zone it is found in.
  • Tell us what classification of Marine Life it is. (you can find stuff on classification on pages 32-33 in the curriculum, or obviously online.)
  • Convince your fellow vanguardians why your choice is the best. (We will break into groups to do this.)
  • You will get 2 minutes to tell us all about your animal, so keep it short, sweet, and convincing!

2. Where in the World is 
Napoleon Narwhal
Using a Globe, or a map. No Device this week! Look up THE LAST latitude/longitude point.  This week our explorer was found in only body of water. Remember to label it with your name.

A: 41.10, -112.46

3. Memorize 3 out of these 4 important facts in your life. Start with ones you don't already know. If you know them all, do quick review, and then you're done!

  • Your address, including zip code
  • Your social security number
  • 3 phone numbers you should know (ex. someone you could call in an emergency)
  • The last 2 pages of the Living Christ! Starting with "He will rule as King of Kings."


For our last voyage this year, you have a choice:


Talk to your parents or look on your account (or the app), and find one of your ancestors who made a voyage over water.  This could be someone as far back as the Mayflower!  Or someone who sailed from England to be with the Saints, or someone who sailed on the Brooklyn from New York, or the Race Horse from South Africa, or any other water voyage.

  • Chart their voyage on your scripture voyages map
  • Find a story about their trip

Learn about the fantastic story of the Brooklyn.

Have you heard of a boat called the Brooklyn?  Read this story from the July 1997 Ensign.  You can read or listen

  • Use the map in the article to chart their route on your Scripture Journeys Map. 
  • As you read (or listen), write down 3 ways the saints showed Self Control. 
No matter which one you chose: Write down at least 1 way you can show more self-control in your own life. Are you gonna do it?  That is totally up to YOU, with God's help! 

Eureka Journeyman/Masters Class Week 6

Eureka Journeyman/Masters Class Week 6

This will be postponed until May 5th when it is warmer.  NO Masters this week.  Please plan to stay through the journeyman hour for presentations.

 1. Read this book!  We will be going to Salem Pond to row boats!

2. Come to class ready to discuss how this book uses our theme of Self Control.

3. Come with 2 other prepared discussion points.

4. Send a sticker idea by Wednesday at 5:00 to Sister Eagar at or 801-901-3610

5. Do something/anything that represents this book and bring it to class to share.  Do something different than you did last week.  Some ideas....
  • Draw a picture
  • Paint a picture
  • Make a treat
  • Make a stop motion video
  • Make a food
  • Make a sculpture
  • Make up a song
6. Practice all the knots we have learned so far.  If this is your first time coming, you can still practice all the knots.
  • Square Knot
    Slip Knot
  • Larks Head
  • Clove Hitch
  • 2 Half Hitches

  • Figure 8 Follow Through
