Welcome to Eureka this year!
Q: What did the patella say to the femur?
A: I kneed you.
If you already know what your femur and patella are, great! Either way, we'll be learning more about those, and a LOT about the Human Body this year. Your God-Given Body is extraordinary.
We'll also spend time in this book, learning about Math in a totally new way. It will be ONEderful.
I'm excited for our learning adventure this year. As a mentor, I always learn a ton, right along with you. Let's have a great year, and get started! This month:
A Structured Life -- The Musculoskeletal System
skeletal system
Intro to bone biology
muscular system
bone song:
Dem Dry Bones For fun :)
In the book A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe, Read Chapters 1 and 2. (Remember how we talked reading a "sciency" book). Or read for an hour, whichever comes first. As you read, highlight interesting things in your book. Write down 3 interesting facts about each chapter in your Common Place Book (CPB).
I. Choose 1
1. Go to this PDF, Print out both sheets and label them. OR Print out a skeleton that you can cut out. The last 6 pages of this PDF. Cut it out, put it together with brads, and label 20 bones on it. Bring it to show.
2. Using songs or diagrams, memorize at least 30 bones in the human body, come ready to recite and demonstrate to the class. Here are a couple songs you could use:
Bones of head
Bones Bones Bones
3. Print out this human muscular system. Label at least 30 muscles, and bring it to class to show. All the names of the possible muscles to label, are shown below the diagram.
4. Using songs or diagrams, memorize at least 30 muscles in the human body, come ready to recite and demonstrate to the class.
This video could help
5. Compare and contrast these 3 systems to each other:
human leg and foot
chicken wing and foot
bear leg and paw
Print out pictures or draw diagrams. Gather the information, and present it in a clear way. You could make a Venn Diagram if you choose. Bring the information to class to share. This won't be a long presentation, just sharing your research in an interesting way.
6. Study Prosthetics. Answer these questions and any others you have.
What does the word prosthetic mean?
How long have people been using them?
What were they made from, and what are they made from now?
What 4 organ systems have to be coordinated to make a limb move?
Bring your findings to class to share in an interesting way.
II. From A Beginners Guide, Bring the facts you already wrote down. Come ready for a discussion. Draw a page full circles of different sizes with your compass, including some vesica piscis. Bring them to show. I would like this assignment to be done on a non-lined piece of paper NOT in your CPB, so we can hang them up.
III. Watch this episode of Inventions that Shook The World . From the video or using other sources, find 3 important scientists or scientific advancements from the 1950s, and write them down on your Timeline. Choose your favorite and prepare a mind-blowing 30-second news presentation on it.
The human body is awesome; however, with it we have many things to
overcome. That's part of what this life is for. Think of someone you
know who has an issue with their musculoskeletal system. For example,
some issues are: knee problems, osteoporosis, muscle strains, bone
spurs, etc. Really anything to do with the bones or muscles of the
could be you, a family member, or friend. Write down the issue. Look
up something that could help heal that issue. Share it with that
person. Pray for that person's issue to heal.
I. Read from pages 1-60 in The Healing Code. Highlight interesting parts you read. Write down any questions that come to your mind as you read.
I. Choose ANY part of the musculoskeletal system, and draw it or sculpt it out of ANY materials. This is a Waldorf education method. Here is a link to some ideas, so you know what I mean. These are only ideas. Come up with your own! Bring it to class to share. This should be detailed and take some time.
II. Watch this video on how to dissect owl pellets.
We will be dissecting chicken wings and owl pellets.
How did the Savior heal? Find a scripture that tells how he performed
healing. Copy the scripture down in your commonplace book.
What is evolution?
Is it different than Natural Selection?
Is the earth millions of years old, or only thousands of years old?
What does the bible teach us about how the world was created?
Why does all this matter to me?
Join me this year as we carry on a discussion about evolution and creationism, and address all these questions, plus more. If you make it to all 6 masters, you'll gain an
excellent understanding of multiple perspectives and how to intelligently speak about them throughout your life. If you make it to only 1 or 2, you will still walk away with greater understanding of this great debate. Either way, any information you can internalize about this topic will be to your benefit. And the discussion together will be fascinating!
I. In the book 40 Questions about Creation and Evolution read question 32, "What is the theory of evolution?" starting on page 313. Read it with a highlighter and/or pen! Highlight points you'd like to talk about, or that stand out to you.
II. In the same book, study 1 other question from Part 1 or Part 6. (Questions 1-4 or 33-40) You choose. Just find the one that looks most interesting to you. Please text me which question you choose to study. 719-494-7522. Bring a short presentation about the question you study. What are the main points? Do you agree/disagree? Why? Make it interesting!
Go to this Google Doc. Write something from each section of Question 32, under the subtitle. Ideas for writing:
*Summarize the section in 1-2 sentences.
*Share a quote that stood out to you from the section
*Share your opinion about what you read
Become and Serve
I. Read the account of the creation in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.
In your CPB, write down:
1. The purpose of the creation
2. The order of how things were created.
For example: Day 1 - Light separated from Dark