- Continue with the note cards and add the new terms from The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy.
- basalt
- continental divide
- continental drift
- continental shelf
- continents
- earthquake
- fault
- geologic cycle
- geology
- geothermal energy
- granite
- hot spot
- igneous rock
- lava
- limestone
- magma
- Marianas Trench
- metamorphic rock
- Pangaea
- plate tectonics
- Richter scale
- San Andreas fault
- sea floor spreading
- sedimentary rock
- seismic waves
- seismology
- shale
- silicates
- soil
- stalactites
- stalagmites
- stratification
- tectonic plates
- volcano
- Make a Volcano. Bring it with you to erupt it in class --a bottle of coke and a pack of mentos does not equal a volcano:) Get creative!
- DRESS WARM! We are going to the park to explode them.
- Memorize the countries of North Asia. Remember to share sites that you find helpful.
- Learn the rest of the multiplication tables- 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's, 7's, 8's, 12's. Remember a lot of these you already know!
- I want you to do 5 drills for each of these numbers. multiplication drills Click start than select multiplication and whichever number you are working on.
- Next challenge yourself and do the drills for all the numbers 5 times. We will be competing, so come ready to race!
- Read Chapt 4 in The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe. Read for an hour in the chapter. Skip around. Do the art and bring it to show us.
- We will be talking about the first 4 chapters. Bring all your art if you still have it. Be ready to share what has been intriguing to you? Write down 5 cool thoughts you have had while reading this book. Bring them with you.