Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Earth Science Nov 2015

Earth Science

If you have been working ahead- I am so proud of you! Keep up the great work.  I have changed the homework to help fit in the field trip to the Hare Krishna Temple.  If you already started on the old terms they will be for January.  Sorry to switch things up a bit.


  • Read each of the links on this page Hare Krishna is Who??  in preparation for the field trip. As you read, write down anything that is similar to what you believe; much is different but there are some commonalities.

  •  Write out and memorize terms from The Dictionary of Cultural  Literacy- keep working on past  cards
    • Alvarez hypothesis
    • barrier island
    • carbon 14 dating
    • catastrophism
    • coral reef
    • core
    • cosmic rays
    • crust
    • earth
    • earth, evolution of
    • erosion
    • estuary
    • extinction
    • fossil
    • fossil fuel
    • fossil record
    • geophysics
    • gradualism
    • Hutton, James
    • Lyell, Charles
    • magnetic field of earth
    • magnetic field reversals
    • magnetic north
    • magnetic pole
    • mantle
    • mass extinction
    • mineral
    • oil sands
    • ore
    • paleontology
    • Pangaea
    • plate techtonics
    • radioactive dating
    • tides
    • topsoil
    • tundra
    • watertable
    • weathering

  • Multiplication- You will need to have these mastered by February.  Start working on the 0's, 1's, 2's, 5's, 9's, 10's, 11's.  Don't stress out and put up a block.  I know you can do this. I want you to do 5 drills for each of these numbers. multiplication drills   Click start than select multiplication and whichever number you are working on. 
    • O's- Zero is King! Anything Times 0 is 0!
    • 1's- One is a mirror.  Whatever the number is, is the reflection it sees back. 1x4=4
    • 5's- Think of a clock. 5x6=30 Just like when the minute hand is pointing to the 6 it is 30 minutes after the hour. Pointing to the 9 makes it 45. Pointing at the 3 makes it 15 and so on.

    • Map of North America- Memorize countries and the states of the U.S.  Rember to share sites that you find helpful.
  • Read Chapt 3 in The Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe.  Read for an hour in the chapter.  Skip around. Do the art and bring it to show us.

  • Do a Scientist Study.  Pick a scientist and learn about them.  Come ready to show us who they were.  Bonus points for dressing up.  Remember- DON'T BORE ME!

  • Read Journey to the Center of the Earth- this book is a slow start but hang in there.  This book helped start the genre of Science Fiction.

Geography!! It's FIELD TRIP TIME!!

Hello Vanguardians,
The region we are studying this month is U.S.A. (yahoo!) and Canada.  Now we love North America, we do, but we would like to spend a bit more time on India.  We had a brief and wonderful presentation by Luke and Sister Cloward, but the culture is diverse in that area of the world.  I propose we go to the Hare Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork!  I know you are curious about that building on the hill that sticks out like a sore thumb (as beautiful as it is :)

We will see the grounds, animals, tour the inside of the temple, hear their beliefs, listen to them play music and chant, and maybe even try out the instruments ourselves.  Leave your PBJ at home as they are preparing lunch for you!  It is all vegetarian and authentic. They grow most of their food, interestingly enough, and have blessed it in their way to make it "kosher" for their beliefs. Fascinating.

Please BRING $6.00 with you that day.  This pays for your tour and lunch.  Don't forget! If your family is like ours you may want to get the money and put it in your bag now so that you don't starve that day. (Now usually Vanguard dues pay for this sort of thing but if we consider how much Vanguard has done already this semester it will not surprise you that there is no money left.  Your fabulous mentors did amazing things with the funds.  Thanks you guys!)

9:00 a.m. Meet at the Halley's as usual for opening, english, and a bit of math.
10:45 Drive to the temple.
11:00 Tour begins
1:00 Lunch
2:00 Return to the Halley's
     Vanguardians who only did apprentice can be picked up at this time.
     Journeyman and Master Class will begin.  They are combined this month.  So, work like crazy and      come enjoy the whole day!
4:00 Finished

I am looking so forward to it!
Love, Sister Pulley

P.S.  You will still want to memorize the 50 States, and Canadian Provinces. Hopefully you know your continent.  If not, now is the time!

You will also want to read each of the links on this page Hare Krishna is Who??  in preparation for the field trip. As you read, write down anything that is similar to what you believe; much is different but there are some commonalities.

Friday, October 2, 2015

October: Herbology!


Welcome to the fun month of Herbology!!   :-)
I'm so excited to share a little bit of one of my passions!  And we will have so much fun on Thursday!

The goal this month is for you to become a budding "mini-herbalist" with a few things up your sleeve to help yourself.


This is where you get to learn a little of the background of the use of herbs.

Do all of the following:

1) Read "An Herbal Legacy of Courage"

2) Read the following scriptures:
     a)  Doc & Cov 42:43
     b)  Doc & Cov 59: 16-20
     c)  Alma 46:40
     d)  Ezekiel 47:12
     e)   Word of Wisdom (Doc & Cov 89); especially v. 10-11

3) Study a little about medicine in these civilizations; take notes about each (what herbs did they use, similarities, differences, etc):
      a)  Egyptians
      b)  Greeks
      c)  Romans
      d)  Native Americans
      e)  Chinese
      f)  Ancient Israel (Israelite)
      f)  any others that you're interested in

4) Read pages 130-131 from "Daughters in My Kingdom" (it is a Relief Society book - your mothers should have this & can be found at lds.org)   Read the section "Gifts of the Spirit"

5) Answer the following questions:
            - What is herbology or herbal medicine?
            - What's the difference between Medicinal and Culinary herbs?
            - What the difference between an herb and a spice?
            - What plants did the following pharmaceuticals come from:
                 a) aspirin
                 b) Digoxin (used to treat cardiac disease)
                 c) morphine
                 d) codenine
                 See if you can find 5 others.
            - According to the scriptures, what is an herb?

Fun Facts:
Did you know:

  • Joseph Smith used herbs and didn't like conventional doctors of the day?
  • Willard Richards (was in Carthage Jail with Joseph & Hyrum Smith) was a doctor of herbs, a Thomsonian doctor (Samuel Thomson was an herbalist and taught others how to do what he did - thus the name Thomsonian doctor).  
  • Brigham Young planted an herb garden at his house in Salt Lake (Lion House) and frequently used herbs.  
  • There's an herb whose common name is after Brigham Young because he used it often - Brigham's Tea (it's also called Mormon Tea).  
  • Marshmallows were originally made from the marshmallow (mallow) plant?

For the fun part!!!
If you feel inclined, wear Harry Potter attire just for Apprentice   :-)  We'll be doing fun things!
Bring, if you have them, garden gloves.

Memorize the map of the Middle East.


This is getting down to the fun herbal learning.  I'm really excited about this part because you get to learn about some herbs that I love to use and have amazing stories from using them!   :-)

Herbs have different medicinal and/or nutritive qualities.  The herb to use depends on the situation they are being used for.  Some of the qualities are listed below.  Please copy these terms on your notecards:

1)  Ointment or salve - a smooth oily preparation that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic.

2)  Infusion - Herb that has boiling water poured over and allowed to steep for 20 min to 4 hours; it pulls the nutritive and/or medicinal qualities from the herbs into the water which is assimilated quickly.

3)  Extract - A liquid solution of herbs and a medium; medium can be vinegar, glycerin or alcohol (note: the alcohol solution has the longest shelf life and is generally used externally only)

4)  Poultice - A paste made of herbs, clays, etc, and water or vinegar and applied to the skin

5)  Analgesic - Herbs used to relieve pain when taken internally

6)   Anodyne - Herbs used to relieve pain when applied externally

7)  Antiemetic - Herbs that lessen and prevent or relieve vomiting

8)  Antiperiodics - Herbs used to relieve malarial-type fevers and chills

9)  Antiseptic - Herbs to prevent, resist and counteract infection

10)  Aromatic - Herbs that have a pleasant and/or distinctive smell

11)  Astringent - Herbs that cause a contraction or tightening of cell walls (particularly skin); used to protect the skin and reduce bleeding from minor abrasions

12) Cell Proliferants - Herbs that promote rapid healing and restoration

13) Condiments - Herbs used to season or flavor foods

14)  Demulcent - Herbs that are soothing and protective internally to irritated and inflamed tissues

15)  Emollient - Herbs that are softening, soothing and protective to external tissues

16) Nutritives - Herbs that are nourishing and building to body tissues

17) Tonic - Herbs that stimulate nutrition and increase tone, energy, vigor and strength

Do the following:

1) Answer the following questions:
     a) Who is Carl Linnaeus and what contribution did he make to the scientific community?
     b) Why is it advantageous to use the Latin term versus the common name when referring to herbs?

2)  What is the difference between herbal infusions and tea (what is the difference between black tea and herbal tea/infusion)?

3)  Find and name one herb for each of #5-17 above (Hint: Google "What is an emollient herb")

4) Look up (google) John Widstoe - who was he?
    Read this quote from Elder John Widstoe:

"Herb Infusions. Infusions of herbs or herb teas are used in many countries of Europe. In France one may be served “infusion” of dried leaves of the verbena, mint and many herbs or the flowers of camomile, orange, or linden trees, much more frequently than the real China or India tea. A consequent improvement in health may definitely be noticed. They act as a tonic to the system and prove very beneficial. Every one remembers the hop tea, dandelion or camomile teas of grandmother’s day which were given as the annual spring tonic. There are many times when warm (not too hot) herb drinks are indicated and desirable."

4) From the following list (or ones of your own choosing), choose 5-6 herbs/spices.  Research them.  Find out their Latin names (please email me if you need help on this one).  Memorize them (do the best you can).  Find out their medicinal qualities/what they're used for.  If it's a condiment (see definition above), what are some things it's used for in flavoring our food.  What kind of recipes is it used in?  Create a 5-10 minute presentation on these herbs.  Be creative.  (Email me the herbs that you've chosen - we're breaking into several small groups to give the presentations so there can be multiple people per herb chosen.)

Cayenne                                 Slippery Elm bark                       Comfrey
Red Raspberry leaf                Marshmallow root                       Chickweed
Plantain                                  Ginger root                                  Hawthorne berry
Catnip                                     Mullein                                        Garlic
Peppermint                             Cinnamon                                    Basil
Thyme                                    Oregano                                       Rosemary
Chives                                     Cloves                                         Turmeric
Onion                                     Ginseng                                        Wormwood
Frankincense                          Myrrh                                           Burdock root
Chamomile                            Echinacea                                     Oak bark
Elderberry                              Horsetail grass                             Brigham's tea (Mormon tea)
Mustard                                 Stinging nettle                              Yarrow
St. John's Wort                      White Willow Bark                      Yellow Dock

We will be making an ointment in class! It is a skin healing ointment.

Challenge/Bonus (prize to whomever does this!):
From this list of ingredients in the ointment, why did I use that particular herb:

Yarrow flowers
Calendula flowers

***I will need to have an email by Tuesday night if you think you're going to Journeyman class on Thursday so I can get the ointment process started based on how many there will be.   :-)  Thank you! ***

Also, those who are doing the Journeyman level of Eureka, you will need to do Chapter 2 of Beginner's Guide to the Universe in order for Sister Fontano to stay on schedule with her lessons!

October Master: Herbology


Woohoo! Whew! You've done a lot of work!  If you've made it this far, congratulations, you're a budding herbalist!  :-)

We are going on an herb walk for Masters in Payson Canyon.

To get ready for this walk, print out the file of pictures and names of plants we'll most likely see on our walk. Make identification cards with the pictures (notecards).   That's it for Masters!!!!  

I'm looking forward to seeing y'all in class this next week!

Don't forget to email me (cindyisrich@hotmail.com) with which herbs you're going to do your presentation on and if you're going to attend Journeyman level!  :-)