Welcome to Eureka! I am so excited to be part of this class and have another great year with Vanguard.
- Read Carry on, Mr Bowditch
- Read chapt 7 in 19 Apps by Oliver DeMille- This should have been done for Vision Day, but if you haven't then make sure you read it. This system is how we are going to be learning all year. Try it. If it is hard, keep trying. YOU CAN DO THIS!
- Write out the terms and definitions from The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy on your notecards.
- acid rain
- cirrus clouds
- cloud seeding
- clouds
- cyclone
- cumulus clouds
- desalinization
- eye of a hurricane
- glacial cycle
- glacier
- ground water
- hail
- hard water
- hydrologic cycle
- ice age
- ice berg
- lightning
- magnetic storm
- monsoon
- moraine
- nimbus clouds
- precipitation
- stratus clouds
- thunder
- tidal wave
- tornado
- tsunami
- typhoon
- water shed
Geography- Europe
As part of Geography we will have a Cultural Celebration each month during Eureka at lunch. Machiel Pulley will be over these. We want you to get a little glimpse into the many different cultures around the world.
We will be going to Salem Pond to try out your boats. Wear something you don't mind getting wet. If you are leaving after Journeyman please have your ride pick you up at the pond. For those staying for Masters we will be staying at the pond and going Kayaking!!!!
Pick 2 choices and do them.
To reward you for your accomplishment we are going to learn how to "sail by ash breeze." We will be kayaking! Come prepared to get wet. Please have your ride pick you up at Salem Pond.
- Memorize where the countries are now. There are many fun ways to do this. You Tube has songs, there are many apps. Share what you find with the others. Help each other to make this enjoyable.
As part of Geography we will have a Cultural Celebration each month during Eureka at lunch. Machiel Pulley will be over these. We want you to get a little glimpse into the many different cultures around the world.
We are going to do yet another fun thing in Vanguard this year. We are going to do a "cultural celebration" the second week of each month during lunch time. We will folk dance (this won't be embarrassing I promise), listen to music, show off map skills, eat food, and celebrate their culture! We need each of you to sign up for the area of the world in which you would like to help. Consider resources you may have to the area: family member who went on a mission, a favorite international food, an interest in that area, etc. and sign up by emailing and specify the country. For example, if your brother went on a mission to Italy, you would sign up under Europe and specify that you want to help with Italy. Make sense? Okay, do it now!
Sept- Europe
1. Hannah Anderson- Italy
2. Ben Hunt- Portugal
Oct- Middle East
1. Luke Cloward- India
Nov- North America
1. Megan Halley- America
Jan- Northern Asia
1. ??? Brown- Russia
Feb- Southern Asia/ Australia
1. ??? Johnson- Australia
2 Samantha Hunt- Japan
Mar- Africa
1. Jen Cloward- South Africa
Apr- South America
1. Ryan Lines- Brazil
- Read Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe Intro and Chapter 1. This is a heavy book. We are going to take it chapter by chapter. I do not expect you to read everything. I would like you to spend at least an hour in each chapter. Do the art and bring it. I want to see it. Get out your paper, pencil, straightedge, and compass. Create the shapes you will be learning about. I want this to broaden your mind, to help you see the world a little differently. Think of this as art not just reading.
- Build a boat. It needs to hold a brick. Use whatever you want. Bring it to class.
We will be going to Salem Pond to try out your boats. Wear something you don't mind getting wet. If you are leaving after Journeyman please have your ride pick you up at the pond. For those staying for Masters we will be staying at the pond and going Kayaking!!!!
Pick 2 choices and do them.
- Memorize- O Captain, My Captain - do your best but it is okay if it is not perfect
- Read the conference talk "The Atonement" by Boyd K. Packer. (Oct 2012) Journal your thoughts.
- Sing or play 5 times each- Master the Tempest is Raging and Brightly Beams our Father's Mercy.
- Read through either Master the Tempest is Raging or Brightly Beams our Father's Mercy and draw or paint a picture. Bring it with you.
To reward you for your accomplishment we are going to learn how to "sail by ash breeze." We will be kayaking! Come prepared to get wet. Please have your ride pick you up at Salem Pond.