Study and Learn:
This month you are to go to the library; whichever library your family uses is great. Go to the non-fiction section (I personally prefer the Junior Non-Fiction section) and get books on the body, specifically circulatory system (heart and lungs). I always get books that are not too simple of course as some will be for little kids. I get books that go pretty deep, but still have lots of pictures :) Get several books, 10 or so. (If you already know a lot about the body, make sure you get more detailed books and take your study to the next level where you will be challenged.)
Scour the books. Take notes if that is how you learn best. Sketch if that is what you like to do. You know how you learn best, so implement the things that you know work for you in regards to understanding and memory.
Spend 4-5 hours reading your books focusing on the heart and lungs and anything else that interests you about the body. Remember, we will not all study and learn exactly the same thing and that is okay! This gives you a chance to find answers to things you are curious about.
Here is a list of vocabulary words to refer to as you study. Make sure you understand these terms by the time you are finished.
Superior Vena Cava
Inferior Vena Cava
Pulmonary Arteries
Pulmonary Veins
Bicuspid Valve
Tri Cuspid Valve
Pace Maker
Cellular respiration
Cellular respiration
Know and Understand:
Read the article
Fulfilling the Measure of Your Creation
Consider what the measure of your creation is. Make a collage, poster, journal, or any other medium to express what your contribution and purpose is and will be. Consider your relationship with Heavenly Father and what he sent you to earth for. (Of course none of us know the whole story now, but consider what you think they are and what they will be in the future.) You can bring this to share in class, but my guess is that some may not want to and that is okay, as this is very personal.
Study and Learn:
Learn about the eye and the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves) the same way you did in apprentice. Make sure and then doubly sure that you understand the basic parts of the eye and nervous system and their function.
Grab a sibling, parent or friend and explain to them how the eye works.
Then explain to them how the brain receives and interprets messages from inside and outside the body.
Know and Understand:
Choose ONE or come up with your own:
Build a model or sketch the different parts of the eye OR the brain.
Write a paper or sketch about the differences and similarities on how our eyes work and how a camera works.
If neither of these ideas excite you, feel free to come up with your own. You may find something else in your reading that is interesting to you. Share it with us.
Read Ears to Hear
Jesus said, “Who hath ears to hear, let him hear,” and “Take heed therefore how ye hear.” What do these statements suggest about the way we should listen, particularly in a gospel context?

The Master book for the month is "Microbe Hunters" by Paul De Kruif. It chronicles the accounts of several scientists who originally discovered a microscopic world of bacteria, germs, etc. and how they affect our health.
This book was recommended at the Vanguard Conference and although I haven't finished reading it I am loving it so far. It is incredibly interesting, although I have a couple of concerns:
1. It is long. I don't want that to be the reason for you not coming to Master Class. When I chose the book at the beginning of the year I did not understand the importance of finding books that are readable in a week's time. :( So, we won't read all of the book, but will just read the following chapters: 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 5.
2 The book contains a couple racial slurs and stereotypes :( It is an old book and those beliefs were common. It's brief, but a little shocking.
As you read, write down a few things that inspire you or amaze you about the different scientists. I will ask one of you to lead the discussion so be prepared in case that person is you!