Thursday, March 21, 2019

Eureka Masters, March 28th!

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More like "The Last Masters." 
(For Eureka, anyway!) 

Unfortunetaly, all things must eventually come to an end, but that doesn't mean that it has to be a sad ending. Which is why this week is going to be a ton of fun, so you should all try to come. :D

Make sure to do the work so that you can participate and have fun with everyone!

Watch this really cool video! It helps explain a lot of what you're going to be reading about in the Weather Model. 

Read The Universal Model chapter 9, page 699 to page 791. (The end of the book!)

We aren't going to be doing presentations or having a debate this week, but still bring your favorite lessons, or the parts of the reading that stood out to you, to discuss with everyone while we...
We are going to be painting a large Universal Model Mural! It should be a lot of fun, and make sure to come with ideas of what you would like to paint (that has something to do with what we've been learning.) Some examples would be: a tree, a planet, mountains, clouds, etc. 
You won't be limited to what you chose to paint. In fact, you're welcome to add as much to the mural as you would like to. :)

Related image

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You don't have to be Michael Angelo to enjoy painting, because... well... none of you are him because he is dead. Anyways, the point is, there is no reason to worry about what level of skill you have when it comes to painting because the point is not to show everyone that you are secretly descended from the dead Michael Angelo, but to have a fun activity to do while discussing what we've learned, and to enjoy each other's company and talents.

After we paint our lovely mural we are going to make and fly kites! They're going to be trashbag kites because... money and time, but also becasue that way they'll look like clouds!

Last, but not least, we're going to be having a picnic of sorts. So make sure to bring something (food or treat) to share that looks like or represents something that we've learned about this year with The Universal Model.
If you bring literal cups of dirt... You're fired.
Make sure that it is edible and tasty. :D

I've really enjoyed the experience of being your student mentor this year. You're all wonderful and super fun to work with! Thank you for doing the work to come to class, and for participating and making it really enjoyable.

Quick Recap:

  1. Watch the video with super pretty music and footage. 
  2. Do the reading and prepare to discuss.
  3. Bring ideas of what you would like to paint on the mural. 
  4. Bring something edible that represents something... less edible (like dirt.)  
See you in Masters! 


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What’s the difference between weather and climate?
You can’t weather a tree, but you can climate.
What’s the difference between a horse and the weather?
One is reined up and the other rains down.

The End.

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