Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Chemistry Science Fair Blog - For March 28 Eureka Apprentice

Science Fair Eureka Apprentice


I.  If you'd like your award for memorizing the song, keep practicing!  I will give you the chance to pass it off on the last day of Vanguard, April 25th.  Then we'll have a party!

II.  If you'd like your award for finishing 40 logic pages throughout this year, bring your stack of pages to me anytime, up until April 25th.  All finishers will be going to play laser tag!  Time and Date TBD

III. Watch these videos to help you prepare your science fair project.

Scientific Method

Microwaving Grapes -- This is to show you that getting fascinated by a question can lead to amazing discoveries.  Make your science project interesting!

IV.  Prepare a Chemistry-Based project for our science fair, using the scientific method. Remember, only change 1 variable at a time!

Create a presentation board, showing us your hypothesis, experimentation and results.  Use visual aids and a hands-on demonstration to draw people to your table.

The format will be like a fair.  You will stay with your table for most of the morning, explaining to others what you discovered.  You will each have the opportunity to leave your table for a period of time, and go explore everyone else's.

We will be going to the church gym to set up.  All families will be invited to come watch demonstrations from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Details will come as we get closer.

Important:  Mad Scientist Hair Day!  Come to the fair looking like a mad scientist! If you have lab coats and goggles, even better!

If you need any supplies, please ask, I may have them.  I'm here to help! Please let me know if I can assist you in any way.  I'm excited to see what you come up with. :)

Happy Sciencing.

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